Consumer Advice
Related: About this forumBe aware that Verizon stores "only sell phones."
I went into the Verizon store where I bought my phone (and phone plan) with a couple of issues I needed help with. One was technical and the other was a billing issue, both rather minor. The guy would not help me with either. "We do not do that here," he told me. I asked him what they do there, and he replied, "We only sell phones."
I asked him, raising my voice a bit so others in the store could hear me, but not yelling, "Do you advise people before you sell them a phone that you don't support what you sell? Do you tell them that if they have a problem with the phone they buy from you that they're on their own?"
He was visibly pissed off, but he made no response, and I left. This was not, by the way, a "kiosk" type place, it was a full fledged store.

(35,079 posts)that was written to "Fuck Verizon". They always cashed it.
(29,540 posts)
(28,835 posts)I guess it's not surprising to me that they don't handle billing or tech support. I wouldn't really expect them to. That's why Verizon has billing and tech support departments.
(108,334 posts)Though that is certainly not an endorsement for Comcast, with whom I have a true "tolerate-hate" relationship.
(28,835 posts)Interesting.
Agreed on Comcast. Unfortunately, for many, it's the best of a bunch of bad alternatives or the only alternative in some markets.
But then, so are most of the rest, for that matter. haha
(3,163 posts)That's why I went with them in the first place.
(4,613 posts)not just the Verizon stores. Same story with Sprint, AT&T and T-Mobile. They long ago did away with any semblance of customer service in any of their retail stores.
(26,071 posts)their store that I frequent. I never had a problem obtaining any info from the AT&T folks at the store.
Sherman A1
(38,958 posts)billing and tech issues. Never had a problem with them at all.
(14,157 posts)and talk to tech support. Likely off shore. If they can't help, they will transfer to a higher support level. If you still have problems and warranty is still good, they will have you send it in for repair or swap. Or have you call the manufacturer to do the repair/swap. They will charge you to expedite if you wish. You are a minimum a week without your phone. You most likely get a refurbished phone back.
(2,343 posts)But, the employee at the store is probably directed by district managers and those in higher positions to respond this way. It's not the store employee's fault. Please try not to take it out on them. As someone who unfortunately has had to work in retail my entire life, this is all too common. Customers get angry at store employees rather than those in corporate positions, who the customer should really be upset at. Ninety percent of situations that anger customers are not store level employees' fault. Instead, try saying "ok", walk out of the store, and compose a lengthy email directing your anger at the policies set forth by corporate.
(3,163 posts)If I was not allowed to help a customer with problems he was having with a product I had sold him, I would not work for that company. Retail is all about service. If the store is not providing service and assistance, I am better off buying online. Cheaper and takes up less of my time.
(16,695 posts)We have two here. One is a "Verizon" store. It has a place you can pay your bill, it has a tech department (with admittedly limited capabilities) as well as a bajillion square feet of retail space. The other one is a Verizon "authorized dealer". It looks ALOT like a Verizon store, sans the bill payment and tech department. Quite honestly, it was an easier place to "buy" a phone. Yeah alot of upsell pressure, but you get that at the regular Verizon store too. But they were vastly more knowledgeable about plans and phones and such. (We actually ended up there because the regular Verizon store had such a limited stock).
Your mileage may vary.