John Kerry
Related: About this forumTPM calls out Gillespie lies about JK tax returns fact. Sen. Kerry (D-MA) had released 20 years of tax returns when he ran for president in 2004.. . .
. . . As the Huffington Post and ThinkProgress previously reported, Kerry made it a habit to release his returns to the Massachusetts press during each of his Senate campaigns. The reason Kerry only released a few years worth of returns in 2004 is because his past returns had already been released.
Kerry spokesperson Jodi Seth chastised the Romney campaign for the false allegation.
Months ago, the Romney team began making this false and convoluted excuse the media investigated it and promptly reminded them that as a presidential candidate John Kerry had released twenty years of tax returns, Seth said in a statement to TPM. Still, months later theyre falling back on this same disproven excuse. In fact, if the Romney standard was the same as the Kerry standard for disclosure, the media would have the chance to review twenty years of Romney tax returns. . .

(1,448 posts)karynnj
(60,153 posts)because they made an issue that there were years Kerry gave very little to charity --- ignoring they were the years where he slept on friends' couches because he could not afford apartments in DC and Boston and the costs for his daughters' education.
The fact is that if Kerry would have released just two years, Gillespie would have been demanding them.
He has more Intergty than most Republicans Including Romney.
He had to morgure his home for his primary battle.Somehting Romney wouldn't understand.
Gillespie needs to be reminded Kerry has spent a lot of years to public service.He ran a DA's office before his sussesful runs at LT
Governor and then senate.It's his wife who has the money.Of course Romney couldn't understand that.A Strong woman Instead of
a stepford wife.That's alien to him.
(60,153 posts)Kerry is an incredible person who has followed his conscience throughout a long distinguished career.
Teresa is as you say a strong woman - and one who also has a huge amount of honesty and integrity.
(60,153 posts)Mass
(27,315 posts)In fact, spot on
I love David Wade.
Wade should have been running the pres campaign. He is excellent for O/B in 08 and on paper and on Twitter. He and would not have let the memes or perceptions about Senator Kerry and Momma T stick around, or allowed the campaign or candidate to be linked with the worst GOPer (since Bush I and II) and be continuously blamed for the election aftermath.
Wish that Obama/Biden, Team O could smack down the insults of their surrogates/supporters from their admirers in the media, but that is not their style it seems.
Understand that this is no longer a big deal here, and people have piled on me (and will) for saying all of the above, but it is JMHO.
(27,315 posts)There is no insult to Kerry in the link you posted (no idea who she is). There is exactly one sentence about Kerry.
And Kerry lost the election, so we can only wish she is right !!!
I also have no reproach concerning Obama and Biden. They know they have to win. They do not have the time to listen to every single sentence from every supporter, informed or uninformed. They gave Kerry two prominent roles during the campaign: help Obama prep for the debate (and Kerry is an excellent debater), and being one of the main surrogates in foreign policy, like in this event So, I would stop whining and start working on the campaign.
At least the Senator is being productive.
That "she" is Zerlina Maxwell. She is a Pro-Obama reporter from EBONY magazine and a Dem strategist.
(60,153 posts)- and Obama thought enough of him he made him the then not named VP nominee's spokesperson. By the way, Stephanie Cutter, now the hero of the week, was Kerry's communication person - and was routinely criticized by people on DU (on the left) and the Clinton people. The fact is that both are very good and both learned a LOT from 2004.
As Mass already points out, the Obama team is quite openly giving Kerry important POLITICAL assignments - along with the unusual foreign policy assignments.
The fact is that Romney's attempt to use Kerry resulted in two big failures - the first when his people were repeatedly corrected that Kerry released 20 years -- then absolute derision for trying to equate his own situation to Teresa's.
(14,128 posts)the 04 campaign, and 08 as VP spokesperson. Wade and Cutter (a former Kennedy aide) should have been running things as opposed to the others and the Clinton people because both are excellent.
Not blaming them for 04. The main campaign handlers should have been heads up and had Kerry's back (tho the media was at fault).
Still, they have allowed everyone to continue to fault/slam him for the campaign, Swifties, election aftermath, and everything else just to make Obama look like a political genius. That is the issue here, and while that won't sit well with everyone, just stating an honest opinion.
That is fine that Team Obama has given Kerry some important political assignments, and the unusual foreign policy ones. Glad they did so. And agree about Romney's attempt to use him and Momma T as distraction from his own tax failures.
Will stop right here because the rest may not be important. Peace.
(27,315 posts)Last edited Wed Jul 18, 2012, 08:09 AM - Edit history (1)
as for the rest, sorry if we disagree with you. We' re all entitled to our honest opinion and the fact is that you insist bringing back the same old complaints, even after you have been told many times we disagreed.
(14,128 posts)Last edited Wed Jul 18, 2012, 06:03 PM - Edit history (1)
And yes, we are all entitled to our opinions, even if they are the same ones.
As said before, things like this are no longer a big deal here, so will just leave it at that.
If people are happy with Kerry still being blamed from the Swifties to Ohio, so be it. There doesn't seem to be anything he can do about that anymore it seems. At least he is helping Obama get reelected, even if the staunchest POTUS supporters gripe daily about Dems not doing enough to help Team O/B in social land. Their problem, not his.
OTOH, it would be cool if he was more linked and respected to T. Kennedy rather than another MA Dem that ran for pres (no disrespect), but again, to each his/her own. No bones to pick in MA pols, but wish everyone the best.
Again, we agree to disagree. Peace.