Women hold higher number of positions in Bolivian tech startups, report says
Online News Editor
August 15, 2023
1 minute read

La Paz, Aug 15 (EFE).- Women have gained ground in Bolivian technology startups since last year and now account for around four of every 10 positions in those firms, the La Paz-based Emprender Futuro Foundation said Tuesday.
In remarks to Efe coinciding with the presentation of her organizations latest Map of the Digital Technology Ecosystem in Bolivia report, that foundations director, Allison Silva, said there is rising gender equality in these types of digital ventures.
She noted that the report, which is compiled by Emprender Futuro in collaboration with other organizations, found that women currently make up 39 percent of staff at tech startups, compared to 36 percent in 2022.
This is good because it means the value a woman can provide with her talent and knowledge in helping to make a startup more efficient is being taken into account, Silva said.
The digital technology report also said financial technology (fintech) firms make up 30 percent of all startups in 2023.