Right-wing forces in European Parliament torpedo EU-Cuba relations
July 20, 2023 9:46 AM CDT BY W. T. WHITNEY JR.

The fascist and anti-communist VOX Party of Spain is leading the effort to sink EU-Cuba relations in the European Parliament. Here, VOX leader Santiago Abascal makes a speech in Madrid, March 19, 2022. Repeating typical right-wing falsehoods, party banners at the rally allege the media and the government are controlled by communists. | Paul White / AP
The Cuban musical duo
Buena Fe (Good Faith) toured Spain in May. Thugs disrupted their concerts, forcing the cancelation of a few. A month later in Paris, protests orchestrated by a Cuban émigré university professor forced a prestigious poetry festival to take away the honorary presidency it had bestowed upon Cuban poet Nancy Morejón.
On July 12, Cubas unstable relations with European governments went from unstable to possibly disastrous. The European Parliament (EP) approved a Resolution on the State of the EU-Cuba PDCA. The vote was 359 in favor, 226 against, and 50 abstentionssignaling trouble ahead for Cuba.
The PDCA is the Political Dialogue and Cooperation Agreement that, signed in 2016, committed individual European countries to rely upon consensus and constructive engagement in their dealings with Cuba. It replaced the EUs Common Position that, from 1998 on, promoted interventionist, selective, and discriminatory relations with Cuba.
Josep Borrell, the top EU diplomatic representative, visited Cuba in May. He was advocating for the PDCA as a means of support for the increasingly important Cuban private sector and for the expanding economic reform taking place in Cuba.