Dennis Kucinich
Related: About this forumKucinich wants to know if he should move to WA State from Citizens for Kucinich
This is what I said--
There would be many opportunities for lecturing, and possibly hosting a progressive radio show. After local people get the idea you really mean to stay, the "carpetbagger" tag would go away. You should consider it a permanent move--you may not win your first try. You would be starting over in all senses. The centrist establishment types won't like it no matter what--but there are also large numbers of people who have given up on electoral politics as hopeless who could be mobilized. There are lots of local Occupy groups.
You will have to consider a lifetime's worth of personal and political ties in the Cleveland area also. Making those kinds of connections here is going to take time. In Des Moines, you talked about movement building, and you should consider a potential move here in that light.
This is what his 2008 state campaign coordinator said--
Of course, many people are urging Dennis to run now; but they do not realize what he would be facing by running BEFORE building a strong base of support. The Kuciniches are not as well known -- really known -- as some might believe. Do this right and it will be a good "investment" long-term.
NOW -- IF Jim McDermott retires this year, then I would LOVE to see Dennis file to fill that spot. It is such a Progressive district that we would likely have Dennis as our representative for a very long time into the future. Besides, I live in the 7th and would really love to have Dennis as my representative in DC. It would be ideal!"
PS -- Please encourage Dennis and Elizabeth to move here, become much better known and appreciated, and lay the groundwork for a 2014 run from WA state. It would take two years of serious effort to build strong support, cultivate their strengths and be able to dispel the many fallacies that the mainstream, corporate media have created about Dennis. We definitely need more Progressives and there is none better than Dennis, IMHO, but failure in 2012 would be a major setback to what could be the continuation of a positive career. Your pushing him might lead to a disaster that would be highly regrettable.
The Alliance for Democracy
Pacific Northwest Council Representative

regnaD kciN
(26,817 posts)...but agree that he'd have to take some time to settle in and become a regular northwesterner, active in political causes, before running for anything except water district board or something like that. Right now, the "carpetbagger" label would be toxic.
(53,661 posts)North and East of King County is red. Why bother to move to Bellingham, for example, to work to change people's minds if there is strong opposition, when other areas may be more open to Kucinich?
Just curious, this letter seems to contradict itself. But it's from someone who seems to know a lot, so I'm not arguing with them. Just wondering why the focus is on the NW corner of WA.
That's not where most of his support comes from, as far as I know, it's around the Seattle area that he has the most amount of people who agree with him. I've met a number of young Democrats who are follow his work and philosophies and would support him.
Other than that question, I don't have much to add.
(51,907 posts)That would go away if Dennis established himself as a local resident.
(109,763 posts)will hopefully be established before he could develop a strong foundation here.
(6,942 posts).... And told him Washington State would be happy to have him be our Rep. in Congress,in his own time.
(109,763 posts)Last edited Mon Apr 16, 2012, 05:02 AM - Edit history (1)
I know I don't. I'm wondering how anyone could say that.
I've heard people suggest him for my district, which has just been changed. Reichert is out and Adam Smith is in. Why would I want Kucinich to come here and run against Adam Smith?
And, north of my district, we have several good Democrats running, including Suzan del Bene and Darcy Burner. If one of those progressive Democrats wins this year, why would that district be better off if Kucinich challenged her in two years?
(57,936 posts)West coast. We love diversity and new ideas. Kucinich would be welcome here. I'm in California.
(6,086 posts)
(109,763 posts)
He knows very little about a state like Washington, where 1/3 of the jobs are dependent on the actions of the Import/Export bank; where there is such a great divide between the western and eastern parts of the state; and where high tech and aerospace are such a huge part of the economy. How has representing Cleveland, OH prepared him for that?
(4,802 posts)His campaign workers did our best to develop a following.. Why should our work go unappreciated.. At Kucinich Rallies in Calif, Kucinich should have felt the warmth at his reception.. Washington State has too much rain for his optimistic nature.. Come to the south-west Dennis.
The Wielding Truth
(11,428 posts)pnwmom
(109,763 posts)As mentioned above, Jim McDermott's spot might be a good fit, but that's assuming McDermott would be planning to retire -- and I haven't heard anything about that.
But what about all the other progressive districts in the country? Why is Kucinich so fascinated with Washington? Washington is a very different state than Ohio, and Cleveland isn't Seattle.
(109,763 posts)Last edited Mon Apr 16, 2012, 05:00 AM - Edit history (1)
Not if he wants people to push Jim McDermott out, so that he can run in his place.
Not if he wants to run against another progressive, such as Adam Smith.
If he thinks he can beat a Republican in a red area, go for it. But I don't see how he could.
(51,907 posts)This is one of the "Democrats" who joined with the Repukes to pass that secret budget, which was thankfully aborted.
(109,763 posts)eridani
(51,907 posts)Unless he gets more in sync with the new 9th CD on issues like defending Social Security and Medicare, someone like Ron Sims or Bruce Harrell is going to take a run at him. Or Kucinich? But that can't work unless he establishes serious permanent residency.
(109,763 posts)And export issues? And eastern/western Washington issues? I just don't see his Ohio background as very useful here.
(51,907 posts)His position on fair trade is the same as the majority of the population in Western WA.
(109,763 posts)in view of our dependence on exports?
Norrin Radd
(4,959 posts)LWolf
(46,179 posts)Not my way; he couldn't win in my district.
But there are plenty of places in Oregon he could, and I'd love to welcome him to the state.
(4,310 posts)Microsoft headquarters, Costco headquarters, many tech firms. Very diversified socio-economically.
Socially liberal, The current Repuke, Dave Reichert is ready to move on to either challenge Marie Cantwell
or a run for Governor. Long story why he was elected, basically for taking 17 years to catch the worse
serial killer why he was sheriff.
Last election Reichert won by 3pts. Two relative unknowns running. With some help from the outside
i really think this could happen.
(4,365 posts)and run for Governor.
(51,907 posts)He could have a very productive and active retirement in many areas.