Democracy for America
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Last edited Sat Mar 17, 2018, 11:27 AM - Edit history (1)
A clear case of "Collusive Obstruction of Justice"... by Trump's promotion to fire McCabe
"It is part of this administration's ongoing war on the FBI and the efforts of the special counsel investigation, which continue to this day," he added, referring to Robert Mueller's probe into potential coordination between Russia and the Trump campaign. "Their persistence in this campaign only highlights the importance of the special counsel's work."
McCabe asserted he was singled out because of the "role I played, the actions I took, and the events I witnessed in the aftermath of the firing of James Comey," whom Trump fired as FBI director last May.
McCabe said the release of the findings against him was accelerated after he told congressional officials that he could corroborate Comey's accounts of Comey's conversations with the president
Trump thinks he can 'whittle his way to attacking and trying to fire Mueller". It is good that Mueller is certainly smart enough to back up all his findings, where they can move into State Courts and all findings are Admissible, IF in the case that Trump tries to Fire Mueller"
As for the Public, If Trump tries to fire Mueller, it is up to the Public, to Demand a "Second Special Council" to looking into Collusive Obstruction of Justice and all matters that it discovers" This will not only "get Trump Exposed and Prosecuted, but also, many of the Republican Enablers and Conspirators, including Republican led panels and their republican members, for gross dereliction of duty, subversive collusion, political corruption and constructive treason against the government and our system of justice.
Trump is trying to run our Country like he's some Dictator with a Cabinet and Republican Congressional Members who function like the Crew of a Dictator.
We need this "whole Administration, taken down, and to EXPOSE every Republican Politician who has aided and abetted this Subversive and Treasonous Regime. All, whom work in collusion trying to Dismantle our Governance System and launch attack to Erode our Democracy. These are crimes punishable by "death"...
We simply need to understand the expansive definition of Treason, and the Definition of Subversion, and know these charges can be leveled upon our Elected Officials including the President, and any members of Congress as well as Political Party as a whole.
What Is a Felony? (A felony is generally considered a crime of high seriousness)
"In criminal law, a felony is a category of crimes that are often classified as the most serious types of offenses, and they can be either violent or non-violent. Felonies are typically classified as mala in se crimes. The main characteristic of a felony is that being found guilty of a felony will result in incarceration for at least one year. Also, the imprisonment will be served in a prison facility rather than a county or local jail establishment."
What is: Offense of Treasonable Felony:
"An act that shows an intention of committing treason, unaccompanied by any further act to carry out that intention. This offense usually results in life imprisonment rather than the death penalty"
People SELECTIVELY choose not to understand what Subversive conduct is. I will provide the definition for those who pretend not to know: SUBVERSIVE: "seeking or intended to subvert an established system or institution."
Then let's look at the point, fact and premise of what is Treason: in the simplest of definition; TREASON: "the action of betraying someone or something". We must consider the "type of war" being waged against America, which is based in subversive construction of intent to attack our governance system, its departments and divisions, and to violate and assault our Justice system and all its components, and to wage war to discredit and defame and make incessant battles against our agencies. This is forms of war being engaged against America by the Trump Administration and his collusive counterparts, including the Republican system and its republican congressional members. All, whom are guilt of levying War against American and its system of Democracy and its Organizations and Institutions of Governance.
(("Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.)).
What is the punishment:
(("Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.
(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 807; Pub. L. 103322, title XXXIII, § 330016(2)(J), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2148.))
A simplified definition of Treason for those who seek to engage in pretense of not understanding.
1. engages in conduct that assists by any means whatever, with intent to assist, an enemy: In this case Russia
whether or not the existence of a state of war has been declared;
2. engages in conduct that assists by any means whatever, with intent to assist:
another country; or an organisation; This includes Russia and the organization of Republicans in their support and assistance in aiding and abetting acts of subversion, and treasonous conduct and aims to dismantle the Governance system of the United States of America.
If you want to read more, to truly look at the damages being done to us as a people and nation, and the vile against our system, its policies and rules of law and the insult to our public dignity and its basis of democracy. then, "there is a thread titled:
Session - Broke the Law !!!! He was illegally Appointed under False Testimony - It's a Felony
Most of the Right Winger Minded Republican, attacked the commentary, but without submitting to their attacks, it expounds on the matters of violation against America, its people, our system and its organizations and the vile of insult by members of republican congressmen, appointing people who aid and abet their malice upon and against the United States, Its systems and its people, and the democracy that supports this nation.
It is worth the reading to hopefully inspire thought, provoke people to become even more aware, and to look at the damages being done to us as a people and a nation and our systems. If one notes the right wingers attack the writing by trying to deflect to attack the writer, but could not address any of the premised content of the writing. It shows the shallow and unconscionable mind of the Right Wingers, except they retain the capacity to "attack what they can't understand".
As Democrats we must continue to "write", "talk with each other and others", address the hard topics and to discuss the things many have denied and fought against discussing. We have to be anew in our broadness to open up dialog and expound on its elements.
Slap stick is not enough, and it won't do it, because Right Wingers rely on slap stick to feed their circle and cycles of contention, such things only give them a drama fix... which they crave like a addict. We have to write with the will and determination to expound upon subject matter. We can't get lost in adopting any element of their selective amnesia, and we certainly can't allow ourselves to have short attention spans, that inhibit our ability to read, comprehend, and write out the details of our thoughts and reference of facts.
The 21st Century need us as Democrats to embrace "voice" by the many means of communication and its tools to communicate.

(52,672 posts)demand a second special council"? If the GOP has majority control over all three branches what can we (the average citizens) do before the midterms that we haven't already been doing? We take to the streets and protest, we win special elections... You seem to have a grasp on the overall situation and I would like to know if you have any realistic suggestions that I/we haven't already thought of and implemented.
(1,068 posts)45 likes to think he can pussyfoot around and get what he wants. In the campaign all he had to do was say derogatory stuff about his opponents and one by one they were gone. Not so when you live in the White House. Mueller is still around and that makes him frustrated. Anger is feeding on the frustration. Frustration is feeding on the anger. It is a really sad circle. And he needs to be able to get work done. In that kind of state, forget it.