Democracy for America
Related: About this forumDemocracy for America Meetup Check-In Table!
Dear DFA members and Supporters,
You may use this thread as a check-in. Tell us a little bit about yourself Greetings to you all and please consult the Welcome thread:
I supported Howard Dean from June 2003 onwards. I canvassed, sign-waved and attended meetups in SoCal. I also traveled to Tucson by bus with other volunteers to canvas. I attended DFA training in Spring of 2005 in Portland, OR and passed my workbook onto a State Assembly candidate in Hawaii in 2006 for his use. I've shaken Howard Deans hand and been thanked for my activism. I still deeply love what Democracy for America does to support candidates around the country.
Please do not disrupt this thread.

(19,288 posts)I have also shaken hands with him.
(27,773 posts)I think even Hank Hill would agree he has a good firm handshake, and you can tell a lot about a man or woman from his handshake
Please subscribe and keep coming back, there's some good stuff up already in this forum, I really loved this video from DFA about why we believe and what we do:
(70,765 posts)ellisonz
(27,773 posts)I know you and I have butted-heads sometimes on DU2, but I'm perfectly happy to put in the past. I used to have a Dean shirt with a medicine bottle on it and Howard Dean, just what the doctor ordered. Please subscribe and contribute!
(22,541 posts)My favorite thing to do was wear my Dean tee shirts to concerts at Red Rocks Amphitheater during the summers of 2003 and 2004. You simply wouldn't believe how many people came up to talk to me about him. It was wonderful - that beautiful scenery, the fresh air, the concert atmosphere.
The best evening was when a group of people from Iowa came up to me. They were, of course. thinking ahead to their caucuses. They were truly interested in the issues and wanted to know Dean's positions on various things. That was the night that sold me on activism, on the fact that it can work.
(27,773 posts)I think your experience is true for a lot of people. I'm going to nickname this the "Activist Political Inspiration Group" or APIG, I believe it can fly
Dean really burst the establishment Democratic bubble and from then on there was little doubt that the Democratic party from the DNC to the local club to the first time GOTV canvass volunteer was going to be a lot more active.
(31,182 posts)In a later interview, he said that he only had about a thousand donor/supporters in 2002. So I am part of a special group. Or was
(14,971 posts)last year( Democracy Now was headquartered in the building I was volunteering in.)
(27,773 posts)Howard is fun to meet - I actually good him to stop and shake my hand amidst a gaggle of people because I shouted softly that I had volunteered for him
(14,971 posts)ellisonz
(27,773 posts)I was just getting a little confused too now. But now I understand. We are getting

(68,644 posts)Call me a conspiracy theorist, but I think a well organized operation was tasked with preventing him from winning the nomination.
Please count me among the DU DFA supporters!
(27,773 posts)I definitely think the opposing campaign operatives pounced on it with the media.
Response to ellisonz (Original post)
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