Man calls 911 during his arrest to complain about officers, affidavit says

LADY LAKE, Fla. - A Florida man was arrested after he allegedly caused a scene inside a Wawa over a handicap parking spot and then called 911 to complain about the officers who responded.
Nicholas Taylor, 39, was charged with disorderly intoxication and misuse of 911 after the incident that unfolded at the gas station at 116 US Hwy 27 in Lady Lake on Friday, according to an arrest affidavit from the Lady Lake Police Department.
Taylor called 911 when he came across a vehicle parked in a handicap parking spot at Wawa without a permit and he subsequently stormed into the store and caused a scene, the affidavit said. He was "disrupting the flow of business" over the car parked in the handicap spot, and allegedly threatened to fight the person who parked there.
"Do you want to fight?" the man was heard saying, according to police. ...............(more)