Scarborough walrus: Council cancel New Year's Eve fireworks to protect visiting Thor's welfare
but he swims away before midnight
Scarborough Council cancelled an official New Years Eve firework display last night out of concern for the welfare of visiting Arctic walrus Thor only for him to leave the area before midnight struck.
The council said they were disappointed to postpone the event but that the walruss safety took precedence after they were advised by wildlife charity British Divers Marine Life Association that the bangers could distress Thor.
However, onlookers later confirmed that Thor entered the sea again before midnight on New Years Eve and swam away from Scarborough Harbour, where he had spent the day and the previous evening resting on a slipway.
The wanderer has been seen in Hampshire, France and the Netherlands already this winter.

(Scarborough is on the north-east coast of England, on the North Sea)