Millions of spiders infest Tennessee neighborhood (
By Jeremy Gray |
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on November 23, 2015 at 6:29 AM
Residents of a Memphis neighborhood say their homes are being overtaken by millions of spiders.
In fact, there is a nearly half-mile long spider web that stretches across the neighborhood, WMC TV reports.
"You can't even sit in her house because they're all on the wall, on the door. We been killing spiders for about an hour now," Debra Lewis told the station.
"It's a mass dispersal of the millions of tiny spiders that have always been in that field, unnoticed till now. It could be juveniles - millions - in a big emergence event, or adults of a tiny species - probably a sheetweb spider - leaving for some reason possibly knowable only to them," Memphis Zoo curator Steve Reichling added.
(Actually, it doesn't look all that bad -- a little incovenient, maybe.)