Barack Obama
Related: About this forumFor the BOG~
Last edited Sun Sep 1, 2013, 09:02 AM - Edit history (1)
The Barack Obama Group, also known as the BOG . Who are we? We are supporters of our President. Most times this is a safe place for us to celebrate this Presidency unrestricted.
Let me go back to when I stumbled across this group. I joined DU in October of 2012. So yes I am still a newborn here. I was browsing the latest page back in December, I looked to the left of the page. I saw a list that said Democrats, clicked on it and saw Barack Obama, I clicked again and I felt like I had come home. I found the BOG.
I realize many see us as blind supporters, they are wrong. They don't know us, they judge us yet do not really read any of the content that is posted here. They are the ones that are blind to judge us in a knee jerk reaction.
What they fail to realize is we celebrate life. We celebrate a better way of life that our President is working so hard to achieve for us. This comes in baby steps sometimes, we realize the reality that change will not happen overnight. We do not view the world through rose colored glasses. We know the pain and hardships in life. We live it, yet we aren't the ones that are bemoaning our fate. We are not the ones wringing our hands and saying "what if he_____?".
Here at the BOG, which is a huge source of information, we fight for what is right. We focus on the benefits of ACA. We fight and celebrate voting rights, civil rights, women's rights, and so much more.
We actively support GOTV 2014.
The best part here, is that we celebrate a President that is standing us for us every single day. He bears all this nations and the worlds problems on his shoulders. I thank him for that. At the BOG we have his back. This is not a burden anyone could ever bear alone.
We have your back, we have it because you have ours. Thank you President Obama.
*******************This is Posted in the Barack Obama Group*********************
EDIT...So sorry! Changed ATA to ACA!

(96,693 posts)Acknowledging the complexities of the world equips us to better deal with it.
Continuous ranting only serves to blind people to reality, and hatred is an acid that corrodes the container. If I wanted that emotional crap, I'd tune in to Limbaugh or Cornel West.
Thank you, She.
(53,661 posts)Cha
(308,615 posts)And thank you, Hekate.
(308,615 posts)Last edited Sun Sep 1, 2013, 07:29 AM - Edit history (4)
Glad you did when you did. We've all had quite the journey leading up to PBO's 2nd Term in Office and beyond. And, so many miles to go before President Obama becomes former President Obama.
Good lookin' out for the Prez, she. And, explaining what the BOG is all about. It's so grand to have a place on the internet.. nestled into a corner of DU where only members who support Obama are welcome. Where we can actually celebrate the living history of this Adminstration. Thank you, Skinner~
Our Mission Statement was brought over from DU2 and Pinned in DU3's BOG on 12/11/12.
"The mission of the Barack Obama Group is to discuss information and news about the life, career, accomplishments, and presidency of Barack Obama; to provide a haven for those members of Democratic Underground who support the president and his policies; to discuss President Obama's policy positions, speeches, interviews, and other public appearances; to discuss President Obama's political campaigns; and to discuss the causes which President Obama has championed, including health care reform and ending the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Those who have a generally negative view of President Obama and his administration, support his defeat in the 2012 presidential election (in primaries or the general election), or who are generally supportive of those who do, are not welcome in the Barack Obama Group."
My own journey back to the BOG took the most circuitious and electric bolt out of the Blue, route, I never would have imagined. Funny ol world, eh?
I was cruising on TOD and Black Water Dog had a post with a link to BOG 3. I hadn't been on DU in 2 years and felt a little weird to be entering its domain. But, a lot of my ol PBO cyberbuddies were there and it didn't take long to get back into the swing of things, so to speak.
Re-Elected! So, grateful for that bit of history! I really appreciate having Obama as President.. which is news to nobody, but I feel like saying it, again. And, yes, I'm cheering him on from the sidelines like one of those Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders.. well, not quite.
I want him to do well for our country, the Planet, and our future generations. He's earned my trust over the years. Of course, things don't always turn out the way we would like but the only failure is not trying and he and VP Biden are always giving it their best.
Barack Obama and Joe Biden inherited a hollowed out country but they're rebuilding with a strong solid foundation(in spite of gop/US mediawhore obstruction) with a little help from their friends. yeah, it's YES WE CAN!
A hearty salute and huge Aloha to you, she , and the BOG~
(90,475 posts)Yes I too thank Skinner for that. Our small niche, where we can share. We can laugh and cry we can celebrate and learn.
I love the fact that in a way, TOD sent you back here. The BOG would not be the same without you.
Together we can~
(308,615 posts)I never would have known that BOG3 was such a drastic change from how it was before on BOG2 without that post on TOD. That's just how it is.
You'd like BWDog, she. She use to be a diarist on dkos but left because of all the animosity towards PBO and started her own blog, too. "The Only Adult In The Room" However, she's on her own now. I see her Tweets posted on TOD once in while. I thank her profusely for her cosmic favor!
[font color=blue]BOG[/font]
(15,154 posts)why we voted for this fella. Great post sheshe2.
(3,871 posts)proud. I love BOG...SANITY RULES!!!!!
(1,135 posts)he's not the Messiah. BUT, he is the best president we've had in a very, very long time. And history will bear that out.
Like all of you, I know that he want's the best for us. For that I am so grateful.
(3,919 posts)thank you for re-affirming and stating who many of us are here at bog. it is an oasis amidst the clamoring.
i may not be so great at "arguing" but i am not nor am i ignorant. i read everything with my eyes open - and my heart, too. i am finding more and more that many of the hateful posts have no substance and are rarely linked to substantial or credible information.
not one of us has the whole picture of what our country, humanity and the world are facing in this modern day. i support president barack hussein obama. he is the right man to be leading our country at this time.
(90,475 posts)Yes hopemountain, you are so right.
(53,061 posts)at the BOG do so because beyond the question of supporting particular policies (which members of the BOG in fact will from time to time not be in agreement with the administration) they are particularly supportive of the President's leadership style and manner.
It is clear that the President is remarkable not simply for returning the government to be more responsive to the middle and lower class but also for returning it to a saner manner of communication. While assaulted on a daily basis by those that are trying to undermine his legitimacy he refuses to answer in kind and resists the temptation to question the motives of those that disagree with him.
He is single handedly returning comity to our political processes and engages public discussion with intelligence, long term perspective, humor and a dogged perseverance.
It is an example that we should all try to follow, especially among our fellow DUers.
(308,615 posts)the best role model I've ever encountered in my life. He is exemplary!
(90,475 posts)The BOG understands that. We see the baby steps turn into a stride, then a lope. After that we can run. We can soar.
Thank you for the addition Grant. Beautifully stated.
(44,191 posts)

(308,615 posts)newcomers can get an even better sense of what this place is all about.
Not really that hard to support our President and his policies when he's done so much for our country and her People.
Mahalo, sheshe, for writing about some of the important reasons that you appreciate President Barack Obama.
(4,309 posts)Yes. Here we do support affordable health care, minority rights, gay rights, women's rights, choice, economic fairness, world peace and other important causes. And we are very proud and grateful that we have a President who supports those causes, also. He fights for those causes every day, and we appreciate it!
This is the best President of my lifetime and I'm glad I have this place to visit with others who realize how lucky we really are!
BOG - Love Ya!!!
(2 posts)Thank Post
(85,430 posts)Glad you're here. Don't know if he'll be able to do that, but I'd expect him to get closer to it than anybody else has. He's truly a remarkable man. And he's always stayed classy.
(3,911 posts)sheshe2
(90,475 posts)Thank you.