My IP will no longer host email
75 yr old childless widow here--I have limited vision due to macula
r degeneration. I am still able to use my PC, but small screens are impossible for me.
I've been notified that I will need to find another email prvider. Wehn I try to set up a new email adress at yahoo or wherever, they require a phone number to send a 6 ndigit code by text
message to verify my identity. With my limited vision, I cannot SEE well enough to read a text message even if I had the smartest phone ever made! So, I DO NOT EXIST!
What can I do short of doing as the old song says "dig a hole and crawl in it and pull the ground in over me"? Any helpful hints much appreciated.. Thanks

(17,634 posts)Here is an article that provides options google provides. I dont know if these will work for you.
One allows to merely respond to a prompt on your phone answering a question that yes, its you. The other uses a hw device you plug in to a usb port.
(3,608 posts)and we were recommending Thunderbird for the program to use.
These are the links...
(2,366 posts)and downloaded and installed Thunderbird, but it cannot log into server so cannot setup.
Would there be anything wrong with just using alone ? It would be slightly less convenient having to deal with tabs, but perhaps not too often.
(3,608 posts)You've got the idea.
(16,392 posts)If you know a Comcast user, each gets 6 email addresses. Most use one or two only.
Apple offers mail and more. I don't think you need Apple stuff to claim and use an account.
There are others. They all use the same protocols (setup)
People can help onine. Is there a senior center or agency that can help? I would. But I am far from everyone!
Good luck.
(4,840 posts)1. Have you tried an old fashioned magnifying glass?
2. Perhaps a friend or trusted neighbor can help with receiving the code and replying.
(18,737 posts)As you experience although not quite as extreme. It's been several years of workarounds to be able to use increasingly unfriendly tech. Hand injuries mean I can handle a full sized keyboard but not a phone for general business.
You may have to get used to the verification codes - nearly everyone uses them. I find it's a PITA but need to comply. I purchased (from Aldi) a $50 task light. Like a reading lamp but with an extremely bright LED circle on top and built in magnificaion. I can flick it on when needed.
If you can avoid it, don't use Gmail, yahoo or Microsoft. Arne mentioned Proton mail above. Good choice and Thunderbird is easy to set up on your computer. If you sign up with an account at Proton, and receive your user name and password, Thunderbird *should be able to do the rest of the tech stuff for you.
A small hack for charging your devices - these days most charging connectors are small and black. It's almost impossible to see which way up they go in the socket and you will break them easily. Put a dot of liquid paper on the top side to avoid this. So much for universal design with an ageing world population.
(2,366 posts)I have a niece here in town that is pretty sharp, and I will eventually have to turn all of my bill paying and record-keeping over to her, but I want to be independent as long as possible. I have an old gmail addy that I only recently moved my important stuff from to my IP email! When my bank went to 2 step verification (every time I log in) I wnt in and told them I couldn't do text messages, and they set it up so I could receive it through email. The only way I can still use my PC is by using CTRL+scroll up to enlarge and even then also use a magnifying glass. I have 2 or 3 of those in every room, plus a couple of lighted taqble tops ones. and very bright led flashlights.
The proton/Thunderbird option is very interesting and appealing. Thanks to both Arne and canetoad for the rec. I may get my niece to help set that up. I have until Sept. to swith over. Our local Wal=Mart has started home delivery now, but they also require 2 step by text verification. I'm gonna go in person and see if they have a way to enroll me in person. I have stopped driving so home delivery would be very helpful.
Thank you, canetod, for the white out trick. Genius! I may be able to use that little trick for a few other tasks, too. It's getting difficult to see the start and stop icons on my microwave. A dot on them and mabe also on the 5 that I could feel would help there, too.
Historic NY
(38,608 posts)Have accessibility features , Have someone check your phones setting