How to prevent Xitter videos from playing with the sound on full volume at start ?
Is there some master volume control *just for Xitter*, or just for videos, or even just for DU, that won't require me to be constantly flipping a control back and forth ? I'd like to set the volume at low level and leave it.
Using FireFox under LinuxLite or *sometimes* Win 8.1.

(16,392 posts)Give it a try. This one looks interesting:
Persistent Video/Audio Volume
I hate websites playing video with 100% volume especially while wearing headphones. This chrome exctension sets the video and audio volume to the defined level. Just set the volume in the top right corner to you preferred level.
Maybe others, too
Tab Volume
A simple volume controller for your tabs. Best on websites like YouTube and Twitch!
Note: Only works on websites that use or HTML elements. Websites that don't use these to playback media will not work.
Change volume using the slider or number keys 0-5
View set volume in icon badge
Light and dark mode
(18,737 posts)Really dependent on the 'hidden' settings of your browser. I'll make a big call and say that if I can do it on Firefox on Windows, you can replicate this on Linux.
You need to make use of the Page Info dialogues in the Tools menu. Once you find that, go to 'Media' and browse the options there. Take a look at Autoplay - Block audio.
Not perfect, I know, but there are plenty of setting there to play around with.