cAPS Lock KEY reversed - Google said, shake keyboard upside down for debris, or
check for stuck key or blow out debris. I did the shaking thing and brushing between keys. Still the same. As I type here with the results looking normal in the body of this message, the CAPS Lock is *on* and the correct results are from pressing the Shift key for single capitalization like: This.
These keys can come OFF, no? To clean inside there?

(39,213 posts)I use a metal nail file. It's thin & bends.
(73,516 posts)Still reversed. Must be dirty under the Lock key.
How do I fix my reverse Caps Lock?
Regarding the reversed Caps Lock functionality and non-working number keys, one solution you can try is resetting the Caps Lock key by pressing the Ctrl+Shift+Caps Lock keys.Apr 22, 2023
Keyboard caps lock reversed and number keys not working. I ...
Microsoft Community
(73,516 posts)fingernail, flathead screwdriver, butter knife, etc., *gently*. Then blow out with blaster/duster. Did that. Put key back, and turned on, seemed to be working in the Subject title above. bUT NOW BACK TO BEING REVERSED (HERE, CAPS LOCK *OFF*), STILL OPPOSITE RESULTS.
(16,392 posts)I looked up solutions and other than dust, it gets complex.
Ouch. Good luck.
(73,516 posts)Just finished typing a long piece and it was fine. Maybe after I used the blast/duster the moisture needed to dry out. Thanks.
(16,392 posts)But I won't argue with success.
Heck, what do I know? As I was typing this reply, safari crashed and rebooted the phone.
This is all a riddle wrapped in mystery inside an enigma.