What is 'Confirm Form Resubmission"
I get this page whenever I hit the "go back" button after posting a comment.
(25,267 posts)The same msg again
Basic LA
(2,047 posts)Maybe I should just hit Recent Submissions after posting a comment. But I kind of want to go back to where I was when I posted.
(25,267 posts)Would be to hold the reply button until open in new tab appears, select that and post.
Then close that tab and go back to original one, and reload to see your reply posted.
Back button puts you back where you started.
(18,385 posts)The browser or database intends you to post then hit the back button. You probably need to carry on from where you were by opening a new page, ie going forward.
Basic LA
(2,047 posts)I don't know how I even carry on at all in this century.
(15,069 posts)If a post is successful, you wont get that, and youll see your post as we all do.
No need to go back in that case. Indeed, doing so would bring up the editing box, and you could submit twice.
Which is no big deal! Just use your self-powers to delete any duplicates!
YOU CANT GO BACK (yes you can) and must when the post doesnt take.
Basic LA
(2,047 posts)Sometimes they don't post the first time.
I'm not confused, I swear!
(15,069 posts)I visualize packets going back and forth, HTTP response codes, and such.
Just glad if I can reduce the level of mystery a bit.
I guess the keyword is that success is evident, whereas goofs are puzzling (because theyre hard to figure out and hard to explain) which is why we get 404s and 503s.
And networks are flakey. People used to tell me The networks down. Do something!
So I made some quick checks that our stuff was working OK, and waited out the glitch.
Basic LA
(2,047 posts)My idiocy about tech is boundless. And it's really a drawback in this day and age.
Thanks for your help, my friend.
(15,069 posts)I started out when vacuum tubes were still "hot"
And I did a considerable amount of computer support at Cal Berkeley, even got paid for doing it.
Happy to help. It's so complex that it's a struggle to keep up, and I cruise Hacker News for the latest.
But things change so fast. I had a program that combined images and pdf's into one big pdf. It disappeared from the app store.
So, I had to find another that did so ( yes! )
And my credit union stopped making credit card, savings and checking records downloadable as CSV files that I could import into a spreadsheet and get totals on expenses for tax deductions. I spent the morning scraping that info off the pdf's that are all I can get lately.
Things don't always change for the better. Let's see if my complaining gets any results.
Feels like swimming with sharks, this tech business. And I'm retired.
I do it for fun!
You a Navy vet? I'm a Coast Guard vet.
Semper Paratus!
Basic LA
(2,047 posts)At a North Carolina Marine Corp Air Base, I was on a crashboat crew preparing for a hurricane. We were tying up and double securing our boats as the sky blackened and the 1st rain drops hit.
Then two open boats came up the channel, heading straight into the storm.
"You can't go out there," we yelled. (This was Cape Hatteras!)
"That's what we do, they called back. We're Coast Guard."
Baddest bravest thing I ever saw.
(15,069 posts)Self not included.
Coasties are the best.