General question for you;
do you have a VPN? I am thinking about it but don't know if it's worth it? Anyone care to share experiences?

(16,047 posts)OAITW r.2.0
(29,540 posts)I use the Avast VPN that boots on power on. I've never have had an issue with my financial accounts and I assume that disguising your IP address helps in keeping things from being intercepted and tagged to me.
(3,396 posts)bucolic_frolic
(49,158 posts)Should I ask him? What are the signs to look for?
(16,015 posts)
(16,392 posts)If you just want to change apparent location, Opera browser has a mini one. Not a true VPN. It just changes your apparent location.
Apple has iCloud Private Relay (comes with the extra icloud storage $$) but etc. hate it and put up a captcha if it's turned on.
A real VPN has serious encryption, no logging (they all seem to store metadata) and so on.
If you are truly paranoid, use tor, and/or the TAILS distro (a bit slower, due to all the relays).