This message was self-deleted by its author
This message was self-deleted by its author (mysteryowl) on Mon Dec 5, 2022, 07:29 PM. When the original post in a discussion thread is self-deleted, the entire discussion thread is automatically locked so new replies cannot be posted.

(11,971 posts)you need to let the app sync again to replace them on your computer.
You then need to remove the Onedrive app to prevent this from happening again.
(7,752 posts)I don't want to make it worse because I just don't know.
Wow, why does onedrive want me to use it? Does microsoft benefit from me using it?
They must or it wouldn't be so aggressive.
(11,971 posts)I never use the app myself, I always log into the website and manually upload my files.
Try logging into the website, and if you see your files, download them to your computer.
(529 posts)Are you using Windows or Mac, and perhaps what OS version. I use MS Word (annual sub) on a Mac, which wants to save to its cloud, but I make it save to my computer. Another family Mac insists on saving to the MS cloud, no choice. But we have no cloud app. Who made it? and can you find out more about what it does on the web?
Will not continue conversation immediately, breaking for meal.
(7,752 posts)but I will most likely need to pay someone to help me with the onedrive/icloud app, which is the culprit.
(529 posts)But since I haven't used the app, only Word/Office, I may not be the best person to help. But have you reviewed the directions for the app, or looked for forum discussions of issues with the app? You may find that it's behaving as intended but just needs a different setting somewhere to stop doing what it is and start doing what you want.
(18,737 posts)But may help to recover some files quickly and may provide a clue to what's going on.
Download Unlocker.
It's a great little free tool that I've used for years. Once installed it will show in the right click context menu. Select a locked file, click Unlocker in the context menu and see what happens.