I want to thank everyone for being so helpful and kind here
I've been on the net for 21 years, and a few forums are downright nasty to "noobs" (people not well-versed in computers). When I became host of this place, I decided THIS forum would not tolerate people being nasty to those less well-versed.
You guys rock. Please keep up the good work, and I'll help when I can.
Host of CHaS

(2,526 posts)... Keep up the good work!
I was reading some of your weather posts earlier yesterday evening.
I will, a weather geek here from wayy back
(5,101 posts)Nice post.
I've on the net for +/- the same time. I remeber the "pioneer" times when you had barely 2 or 3 interesting websites.
If I remember well, mostly where based on frontpage a MS tool.
I share you conclusion, DU is really, really an enjoyable place. I have been member of many websites, especially culinary ones, books, history. I left very quick the politic forums. It was almost impossible to argue without turning in an ad hominem attack...
Most of the forums were in french, one in English (cooking). I met nice people but many rude ones.
DU is definitly my favourite one.
Silver Gaia
(5,023 posts)I've been online for 24 years! I was a chat and message board "host" (later Community Leader or CL) on AOL (for 10 years). Everything was dial-up, and we competed with Prodigy and CompuServe (remember them?). At that time, we still hand-coded html for our websites since there wasn't any software that could do it for us yet. We argued the virtues of Netscape vs. the AOL browser (Netscape was far superior). Seems like yesterday...
But yeah, being kind and helpful to noobs was coded in my internet DNA a long time ago, so I agree totally. And yes, DU is awesome.
Earth Bound Misfit
(3,562 posts)

(8,413 posts)you seemed to be having a bit of a crisis of confidence and asked if anybody thought you should step down as host in favor of somebody more conventionally tech-savvy.
I believe I was one of those who said you were doing a fine job, there were more important aspects to the job than sheer technical knowhow on its own, and you should keep on doing it as long as you wanted.
That was a good call.