Related: About this forumFirst post first, or first post last?
When you're putting together a blog, should the top post be the earliest post so that new comers can read the articles in the order they were written? Or should the top one be the latest to catch the eye of frequent visitors?

(1 post)klook
(13,062 posts)Same logic as email threads.
This is the default order of posts on Wordpress, although you can change that if you're willing to muck around with the code.
(16 posts)halumvai11
(15 posts)MichaelKelley
(55 posts)In my opinion top one be the latest post so that looks like your blog is updated time to time. Also it is possible that you can show your popular post in right side so that people can see this popular post. It's depend upon you but this is good practice i think.
(3 posts)It's the best way and you can never go wrong putting your latest write up on top.
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