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Related: About this forumHOW TO GET RID OF BAD SMELLS

(67,112 posts)InAbLuEsTaTe
(24,891 posts)Thor_MN
(11,843 posts)You know it's going to happen as his dementia gets worse
(24,891 posts)BigmanPigman
(52,672 posts)I have done it all plus some. I have been told that since my carpet is 23 years old I need to get a new carpet. I am broke and unemployed due to the fact that I am very ill and all of my disability income goes to medical and pharmaceutical bills and will most likely die in a few years due to it. I would like a new carpet for my 550 Sq foot apt but my family will have to do that after I die if they want to live here or sell it. I just wish I could make it less stinky while I am still here. The carpet is in good shape too...but pee yew!
(2,318 posts)Maybe what's underneath is usable..or you could get those cheap stick-on tiles. We used them in our laundry room and they look much better than I would've expected. Maybe family could help with this project?
(52,672 posts)and on a concrete slab that had leaking pipes underneath and my whole place flooded in 24 hours in 1995 and now the pipes are rerouted outside of the condos since this had been happening to other apts for years. Now the slab has cracks and actually slopes in a few spots and the whole floor would have to be flooded with concrete to even it out before any hard or tile floors can be put down and that costs over $5,000 alone. I wish I could de-stink it since as I said the carpet is in good shape. Steam cleaning, deodorizer from carpet people, pet fresh, borax, vinegar, baking soda, fabreeze, etc last for about 30 minutes. It is embarrassing having people come visit, especially since I am a clean person.
(17,454 posts)I have been reading about what to use.
This product caught my attention. I haven't ordered it yet, the reviews looks promising.
Angry Orange Pet Odor Eliminator for Dog and Cat Urine

Here is the url to this image
Most of the Amazon reviews are very positive, however, some people added to much concentrate and apparently made their homes smell like an orange orchard.
How can that be a bad thing?
(8 posts)What can be done about a terrible smelling washing machine? I've frustrated the products you can purchase exactly for this from the superstore such as the Dettol product but it still doesn't work. Can you use bicarbonate of soda in the washing machine? It looks to come up time and time again as the response to so many things or do you advise something else?