Election Reform
Related: About this forumAn Open Letter to the Supreme Court of the United States
Have you noticed that the 9 Supreme Court justices do not make their e-mail addresses known to the public?
And that there is no website application through which you can communicate with them by electronic means?
If you want to make your opinion known you must send a letter on paper ("snail mail" to each individual justice.
Of course, they do not reply. They don't even acknowledge the receipt of your letter, despite having 4 law clerks
per individual justice to carry out such tasks. (Possibly even a secretarial staff?)
So, here is my open letter to the 9 Justices regarding recent rulings on campaign finance and "free speech" -
(warning -satire follows)
Congratulations on your recent decision, "McCutcheon vs FEC" and
your earlier decision "Citizens United vs. FEC". Finally, you have clarified the meaning of
"freedom of speech", as guaranteed by the 1st amendment to the US constitution.
We can now clearly understand that "freedom of speech" is not only the right to express
one's ideas but also the right to be heard - indeed the right to buy access and to force
people to listen. And, as a corollary, we now also understand that the appearance
of corruption is not corruption itself, but merely the appearance thereof, unless a clear "quid pro quo" can be proven.
Since almost no-one conducts business in Latin nowadays, how do we prove such things?
But, please remain diligent. There are still many operative laws and rules which violate our
constitutional right to free speech, which you have yet to overturn. Such as -
The right to conduct cellphone texting in movie theatres, to speak loudly in a public library,
to call and bother people registered on the federal "do not call list", to erect ugly and distracting billboards
along our interstate highways and to exact monthly service charges for talking on our cellphones.
Why do we have to pay cellphone providers to distribute our free speech?
You should also consider enacting a ban on noise cancelling headphones.
All of these laws, rules and devices represent grave violations of our right to "freedom of speech"
and should be overturned, at your earliest convenience, of course.
Many thanks for safe-guarding our democracy. Helluva job !
Stuart M. Davis
P.S. Justice Scalia - Please let me have your opinion. Is my letter just "argle bargle" or does it contain
some common sense?

dc rox
(15 posts)unfortunately they'd think you're serious.
(785 posts)It is NOT about the "absolute" free speech rights of an already privileged few (those who, because of their wealth, already have far more "rights and privileges" than the rest of us) to drown out the free speech rights of everyone else.
As Voltaire said: "All absolutes are false, including the one I just made."