Election Reform
Related: About this forumThe unconscionable attempt by Republicans to deny voting rights could result in revolution.
What issue could be so fundamental to liberty that the right to vote? I believe that it is such a basic principle that people who are denied their rights and those who support them should take the same action that the founder of our nation took and openly revolt. It is pass time to attempt to work through the corrupt courts that have become nothing more than political cesspools. People should peacefully assemble and demand their rights and shut down these shameful attempts to rig elections.

(1,186 posts)Deny the vote - shouldn't have to pay taxes.
(11,417 posts)But today's crowd won't get off their butts.
(11,304 posts)
(2,620 posts)regnaD kciN
(26,817 posts)People will just think "well, that really isn't good," but then remind themselves that they can do little to stop it and, besides, American Idol is coming up this evening.
(6,152 posts)even until after the repukes steal it.
There will be no revolution.