Related: About this forumWhat a week that was
Tony Abbott is performing so badly that there's a chance he may not be leader by the next election. I don't think that he has made one "captain's pick" that has survived. He is an embarrassment to this country and by rights he should have been given his marching orders ages ago. I would very much prefer if he can hang on until the election because he's our biggest asset.
Bronny bites the dust. Robb gives us a Chinese FTA that employs their own workers. Hunt gives us a piss weak environmental target. They get rid of the car industry in SA and try to give them a ship building industry to make up for it. They spend 6 hours trying to decide how not to bring in marriage equality yet send a back bencher out to get us thinking about bombing Syria. It is now proven that Dyson Heydon is an apologist for the Liberal Party. There is more infighting going on behind the scenes than at Madison Square Gardens. and Sloppy Joe thinks that the economy is going great guns even though Glenn Stevens says otherwise.
That was the week that was.

(21,363 posts)you have a good week, pink! It sure is stressful watching idiots, isn't it.
(162,406 posts)we keep swapping articles on crazy and I tell you while I think America obviously wins on guns alone (and come on, we have both Florida *AND* Texas), I am surprised by how much crazy there is in Australia.....they do make a noble effort
(522 posts)Before this government was elected, we were world leaders in climate change action. We were in the midst of introducing of world's best broadband. We introduced maternity leave, a better education system, and a national disability scheme which prevents the disabled being left behind. Stimulus programs were introduced to get us through the world financial crisis. We avoided recession.
Unfortunately, Rupert Murdoch didn't like that type of governance, so the rest is history. Gullible Australians elected a chimp to govern us. One more year to go.
(522 posts)Never overestimate the intelligence of the voter and never underestimate the power of the media.