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At least Port Adelaide won.
(9,753 posts)A majority of whom (sadly) voted for the coalition, "be careful what you wish for, because you just might get it."
I'm anticipating huge buyer's remorse in less than a year. Maybe the liberals can pull a Gillard and replace Abbott with Turnbull. At least he's not given to psychotic episodes like the one in the video.
But regardless of whatever else they do in office, it seems certain that the Liberals are going to screw up the National Broadband Network totally, installing last-decade technology that'll have to be replaced almost as soon as it's put in place.
And that's just one policy.
I'm not a permanent resident, but I do care about Australia -- and I'm going to be here for several more years -- so I view this development with great disappointment.
(6,384 posts)He doesn't seem to be capable of making coherent statements without a prepared script; whenever he tries, he jams his foot firmly in his mouth.
Thank goodness, putting Rudd back into the leadership at least saved a good number of seats, so there's a workable parliamentary party to regroup. And hopefully, new leadership will enable wounds to be healed.
I regret that in the meantime, the excellent NBN will be scrapped, and I fear dreadfully for the environment. Even one term of Abbott is enough to do serious damage.
And let's not talk about some of the weirdos being elected to the Senate! The system needs to be reformed it's surreal that people who polled less than 1% of the vote are going to get a seat. It's a crazy system.
(9,753 posts)But we'll see.
If the Chinese economy should hiccup at the same time that austerity fever begins to bite, it could lead to a very ugly outcome.
(1,027 posts)I went back trying to find the thread when he first became leader in 2009 - we all said the same thing. Mocked derisively when he proclaimed himself a man of the people or some such.
While he is protected by Rupert Murdoch and the rest of the MSM - including the hopelessly biased ABC - he will not self destruct. He will fuck up but Murdoch's minions either won't pursue it ala Ashbygate or report it on page 17 or turn it back on Labor.
(6,384 posts)Unfortunately, not too many people actually watch QT, but when something interesting happens, it usually goes viral (Gillard's misogyny speech, for example). And if Albo is elected Labor leader, he will be an Opposition leader who will hold Abbott accountable for every wrong word or misplaced gesture.
But yes, Rupert will protect him, and he'll probably get an easy run from the ABC as well, judging by the performance during the election.
I think this election was a vote against Labor infighting more than it was a vote for Abbott, and I just hope that whoever becomes LOTO will be able to keep MPs from attacking each other instead of Abbott.
(82,383 posts)What a weirdo.
(82,383 posts)The comments on his intellect toward the end!
Who were the former PMs, towards the end, who commented on him?
on the day he was ejected from the green chamber!
(6,384 posts)who along the way has turned into a good guy. He resigned from the Liberal Party some years ago in disgust.
The second was Paul Keating (Labor).

(6,384 posts)"In your guts, you know he's nuts".
I do hope he becomes Opposition Leader!
(17,212 posts)God knows there will be opportunities to use it.
I remember every incident. As someone else said - We now have our own George W.
(6,384 posts)Tony Abbott ignoring, walking, or hiding away from reporters:
It's going to be interesting - asking prepared questions in parliament is not the same as having to answer them. And Peta Credlin can't keep him hidden away from the press all the time, and certainly not when he's going to be overseas.
Or will he think that just putting on his lycra bike shorts and cycling around Washington will be such a thrill for people they won't feel the need to ask questions?
(6,384 posts)Last edited Mon Sep 16, 2013, 03:28 AM - Edit history (2)
Presumably the other women elected to parliament will make the tea and do the washing up.
Edit to Add:
No Minister for Science (there has been a Minister for Science in every government since 1929 - until now)
No Minister for Disability
Welcome to 1953.
Edit: It gets worse.
Afghanistan has three women holding ministry portfolios. We have one.
There are no ministries for Aging, Climate Change, Industrial Relations, or Youth, but Sport has been elevated to Cabinet.
The NBN website has been shut down already.
Good to see Abbott has his priorities right.
(6,384 posts)Yesterday, Abbott ran from media questions about drowned children on asylum seeker boat:
What a pathetic look for a country's leader.
(522 posts)You'll hear him telling the media to "Fuck off" 1min 08secs into the video
(6,384 posts)He's worse than I thought, and my expectations of him were zero.
(6,384 posts)He was a no-show at the Remembrance Day commemoration at the Canberra War Memorial. He was expected, but he didn't show up.
Slept in? Dog ate his invitation?
Or was it because Paul Keating was to give the address?
Petty and pathetic and utterly unforgiveable.