Related: About this forum"what is the single worst thing @GovWalker's done in office.?" #widemdebate ⚡
Verified account @isthmus
15h15 hours ago
Vinehout closing statement: All across WI, people are hurting. Our campaign has been all about putting people first. We've heard a lot about slogans -- medicare for all, repeal and replace. But in order to make a difference, turn slogans into policy #widemdebate
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WORT News @WORTnews
The second ⚡ lightning ⚡round is all about Governor Walker (@GovWalker / @ScottWalker). Candidates are asked what is the single worst thing hes done in office. #widemdebate
7:44 PM - 8 Aug 2018 from Wisconsin, USA
WORT News @WORTnews
15h15 hours ago
.@WISuptTonyEvers: "When he said, 'I'm the education governor."
.@ForwardWFlynn: "Going into politics."
.@McDenimRebel: "Dividing and conquering."

.@JoshPade: "Selling out Wisconsin interests."
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WORT News @WORTnews
15h15 hours ago
.@keldahelenroys: "To run for president."
@PaulSoglin: "So many choices!
@VinehoutK: "Act 10 and first budget."

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Vinehout has the most qualifications in race for governor -- Joan D. Kemble
17 hrs ago
State Sen. Kathleen Vinehout is uniquely qualified to be governor of Wisconsin. As a farmer, she understands the plight of our Wisconsin farmers who are being hurt by Trumps tariff wars, and the need for road improvements in rural areas.
Trained in public health, Vinehout has great understanding of the need for adequate health care for everyone. As a state senator for three terms, she has a profound understanding of the state budget, which determines how the state will spend your tax money. She has proposed an alternative budget for the people each time to show how programs could be financed to support all of Wisconsins people rather then favoring corporations and the wealthy.,...................................

jodymarie aimee
(3,975 posts)She was at our monthly meeting Tuesday nite.....BUT...she is bad on GUNS and Women's choice...she said a pharmacist can refuse b.c. pill refill if his religion is against it...so NO , not Kathleen...
(1,736 posts)I like most of her stances very much. I don't think she's as unifying a candidate as we need to best s vulnerable Walker. But I trust primary voters next week to make the call.
(3,577 posts)Please see her website at https://www.kathleenvinehout.org/women-s-health to get the correct information.
(3,577 posts)She wants birth control to be available to everyone who wants it. I encourage you and others who have heard anything to the contrary to read a letter she wrote to the Eau Claire Leader Telegram in 2008 that makes her position absolutely clear. In a nutshell: (1) this scenario is extremely rare; (2) the Wisconsin Constitution prohibits interfering with rights of conscience; (3) courts have ruled that there must be an appropriate balance in this matter. Kathleen proposed an amendment that imposed an affirmative duty on every pharmacist and pharmacy to see that the prescriptions are filled or else risk disciplinary action (an objecting pharmacist could refrain from handing over the pills but must make sure that someone else does it promptly).
The letter ends this way: "This issue was resolved in the next legislative session when language was introduced and passed with the support of Planned Parenthood which placed the responsibility for timely filling of prescriptions on the pharmacy. Sen. Vinehout voted yes for passage."
More on Kathleen Vinehout's positions on women's health and abortion: https://www.kathleenvinehout.org/women-s-health