Related: About this forumWisconsin reeling from tariffs coming from Mexico, Canada, Europe
Rick Barrett and Craig Gilbert, Milwaukee Published 10:13 a.m. CT June 8, 2018
I do recognize this is probably a negotiating tactic the administration is using, but in the meantime real families are being crushed by these tariffs right now, said Doug Reigle of Regal Ware, a company with 200 employees in West Bend that makes cookware and small kitchen appliances.
We ship our products all over the world 65 percent of our revenue comes from outside the United States and the tariffs are hitting us especially hard, said Reigle, who said his firm has already spent about $150,000 this year to cover the tariffs.
All of Regal Wares aluminum comes from Canada.
We cant even buy it in the United States, Reigle said. Our competitors, which come from all over the world, arent subject to these tariffs. So Im now at a 25 percent disadvantage immediately on all those products.

Mean Gene
(65 posts)
(13,966 posts)Still, this is the state that elected Scott Walker. On top of that, they were dumb enough to fall for Koch Brothers' adds telling them that recall wasn't a solution to their problems.
(12,911 posts)you idiot Trumptards.
(49,153 posts)and shut your stupid fat piehole
(7,349 posts)we all arent dumb, yet continuously get lumped into that equation by many here on du. Ive even read that we deserve what we get. We are battling not only gerrymandering, but a heavy Koch Bros presence. So, please, if you dont have anything constructive to point out to us, just dont comment. We already know the obvious....
Thanks, a proud Wisconsinite....
(6,662 posts)It is so easy to sit in your living room and judge others. It damages the people who are fighting the good fight when they are put into the generalized population of trumpers. Nothing makes me more angry than having a "friend" who places me along with my trumper family members. Stop it!
A Minnesota neighbor
(6,760 posts)It's out of frustration and fear for what is going on. Also we can't help but wonder who folks hurting voted for.
jodymarie aimee
(3,975 posts)How's about wondering about the 49% of folks who DID NOT VOTE. WI and the other 2 states and the poor get blamed for Trump. Who do you think the rich guys voted for? And the freaky abortion folks?
For the millionth time, we were the petri dish. We in WI have been in hell for the last 8 years. The entire country is now going thru what we have lived for a decade. I am sorry you are angry...but direct it elsewhere and use that anger in a constructive way.
(14,663 posts)And since retirement, I miss going there on service jobs. I worked with many very sharp people there in several plants. Usually returned home with all extra luggage space packed with cheese, LOL.
I'm confident Wisconsin will recover from this rightward tilt in time......... .......
(6,330 posts)gibraltar72
(7,629 posts)LakeArenal
(29,941 posts)This state is 47% 47%. In elections we fight for 3% to vote for Dems. When theres millions of dollars of Koch money, millions in NRA money and gerrymandering fighting Dems for that 3%, we get licked.
So I will never let anyone say Wisconsin doesnt fight hard enough. The people do anyway.
(2,577 posts)I think it is Ari Melber who has studied what happened in Wisconsin in 2016. I think Wisconsin had more than 200,000 voters deemed ineligible with the various requirements the Rethugs put in place.
(29,941 posts)jodymarie aimee
(3,975 posts)Berman
(2,577 posts)Thank you!
Kajun Gal
(1,907 posts)Heartstrings
(7,349 posts)This is exactly the type of negativity we Dems in WI do not need.....thanks for your support! No, sorry doesn't cut it....
(29,941 posts)33taw
(3,097 posts)Growing up there, I know they wont change how they vote.
(576 posts)White flight racists.
(3,097 posts)dembotoz
(16,922 posts)look at the assembly districts....how do they make sense.
(3,097 posts)It has always been 70% republican no matter how you slice it. Waukesha County is hacked up all over the place.
(24,662 posts)No it's not
You're an idiot
Too bad, so sad
Thoughts and prayers
and, Be Best.
Yeah, "negotiating tactic" stuck out to me as well. "I'm going to create harm and damage to myself unless you re-negotiate with me! That'll show you!"
(12,587 posts)This is what the real Republican agenda looks like.
world wide wally
(21,836 posts)If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
unless of course, your supreme leader says to
Fred Sanders
(23,946 posts)How long for the dormant American industry to build smelters and start exploring for domestic aluminum since there isn't near enough anyway.
The stupidity of the "logic" knows no bounds.
(24,662 posts)I do recognize this is probably a negotiating tactic...
(3,097 posts)rpannier
(24,662 posts)trump brownshirt, "I realize the president was riding down the street, drunk, firing a machine gun wildly. But, if I hadn't been mowing my lawn I'd never have been shot. So it's really my fault."