Related: About this forumConfederate statue removed from Alexandria intersection, a month earlier than planned
Edit to add:
From the WaPo story it wasn't Alexandria's doing.Alexandria Mayor Justin Wilson said the United Daughters of the Confederacy, which owns the statue, opted to remove the memorial a month ahead of schedule due to demonstrations across the country in which segregation-era statues have been vandalized.
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Decades-old Confederate statue removed from Alexandria intersection, a month earlier than planned
Decades-old Confederate statue removed from Alexandria intersection
The monolith commemorates the mustering of Alexandria citizens at the start of the Civil War.
9:42 AM - Jun 2, 2020
90 people are talking about this

(5,077 posts)Better if it had been torn down and hammered to pieces.
(38,197 posts)Actually, none of that stuff should have been put up in the first place. They are putting up statues to commemorate people who fought against the USA. It should be considered treasonous to even put that stuff up on government owned property in the first place. The Confederacy was against the USA. It was the enemy.
Why don't the lazy, sorry pro-Confederate supporters start a museum for all that crap and take all of it there? Oh, that's right. They don't have slaves any more to do everything for them and they are too lazy to do anything for themselves. It is also why most of the south, outside of the bigger cities, are in poverty and have little to no infrastructure, no help for low income people to have healthcare in far too many cases, and numerous virtually none of the other things people in other areas of the country have. They keep voting for Republicans who are against helping American citizens in any way, shape, or form. They are heartless and too lazy to lift a finger to make the places they supposedly "represent" even the slightest bit better.
Quite a few of them, will privately whine about not having slaves any more. That is a little tidbit of info MSM will never share with those who don't live in rural areas in southern states. Those of us who live here and have had the misfortune of having to deal with pro-Confederate assholes surrounding us have heard it though. And heard it. And heard it. And heard it. They pine for the days of having their slaves. I have heard tons of them saying that stuff. That is the real truth they will never say when they think anyone who can spread the truth is listening. I will tell people what they say though, because I'm sick and damn tired of how they rewrite history to publicly say "it wasn't about slavery" but in private, admit they just want slaves back. They are putting up two different narratives and showing two different faces. I'm so sick of two different version of history being taught in this country.
I'm not going to post the links, but the United Daughters of the Confederacy make statements about how they are pro-equality, but it is apparent that is not their agenda. Once you think about exactly what they say, it is apparent that they are saying all these people from the Confederacy are to be revered and thus imply that a return to the old ways is desirable.
It is impossible to separate slavery from the Confederacy.