Gov. Scott's vetoes give Democrats campaign fodder
Vermont Democrats have taken up Gov. Phil Scotts budget vetoes as a cudgel to pound Republicans in this years elections and, not incidentally, to raise campaign cash.
Rep. Tom Stevens, D-Waterbury, wrote in a Tuesday email for the Democratic Party wrote, I've been regularly shocked and disappointed at the DC Republican-style tactics taken by the Scott Administration since just about the moment when he took office. He's taken it to a new level this year, bringing us to the brink of a government shutdown as a campaign stunt.
Jeff Bartley, former executive director of the Vermont Republican party, responded to Stevens on Twitter.
Jeffrey Bartley
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Today Rep. Tom Stevens, via the @VTdems, sent out an e-mail crying foul over @GovPhilScott's long-stated position on taxes and the budget. This is the same guy who literally held a sign asking the Governor to raise taxes. You couldn't be any further from reality Mr. Stevens.

Christine Hallquist, who is seeking the Democratic nomination for governor, also sent out an email Tuesday in which she wrote that Scott keeps trying to force the Legislature to pass a budget that would drain our public schools of resources and put Vermonts budget in the red for years to come. No thank you. Its partisan, its reckless, and it shows hes not listening to Vermonters.
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