Related: About this forumTexas isn't nearly as red as people want to think.
There are demographic trends that show that Texas will become bluer
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(39,213 posts)
(10,442 posts)This is why the GOP here are doing EVERYTHING that they can to prevent people from voting. They lose Texas. They lose the presidency for decades
(70,765 posts)LetMyPeopleVote
(159,692 posts)The Texas GOP is good at voter suppression
callous taoboy
(4,691 posts)I have a friend working elections right now in my blood red little town and turnout for early voting is 7%.
(32,713 posts)It's much worse than voter suppression.
Trying to get people to vote is like pulling teeth.
"Maybe I'll vote...."
I guess if we had stuff worth voting for maybe they would. I guess they figure the hitting the polls isn't worth it. But they sure know how to go shopping. Low education, complacency. It all adds up.
(138,729 posts)Remember Ann Richards?
Think. Again.
(21,654 posts)...are there any solid numbers on whether Independents as a whole lean red or blue?
(8,920 posts)
Think. Again.
(21,654 posts)Javaman
(63,436 posts)carpetbagger
(5,180 posts)You could argue that some of that is suppression, but statewide elections aren't districted.
(63,436 posts)Texas has been trending blue since george w moron was gov.
then cement head perry came in and started gerrymandering the districts before the national census came in. which is completely illegal.
but no one did a dame thing because, george w moron was prez then.
then it all quietly went away.
my district alone has been so completely fucked over it's a minor miracle that Lloyd Doggett is still able to be elected.
I have a couple of friend who worked as lobbyist during the time of perry's halfwit reign of stupidity, and they things they would tell me about repubican indifference to voting districts are terrifying.
the texas gov is beyond crooked. abbott, paxton and patrick are the facsist axis of evil. then mix in the railroad commissioner and you have a lock repuke majority.
also look in the billionaire funders Dunn and the Wilkens brothers they basically pull the strings.
as long as those bastards are still in play, texas will never ever be blue again.
there is so much crooked shit here it's beyond belief.