Related: About this forumAlex Jones' InfoWars files for bankruptcy in U.S. court
Trial for one of the Texas cases was scheduled to start n April 25.
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Chapter 11 bankruptcy procedures put a hold on all civil litigation matters and allow companies to prepare turnaround plans while remaining operational......
Sandy Hook families in late March rejected Jones' offer to settle their defamation lawsuit and reopened the case. Jones had offered to pay $120,000 to each of the 13 plaintiffs to settle the case. read more
Each of the plaintiffs turned down the settlement offer in court documents, saying, "The so-called offer is a transparent and desperate attempt by Alex Jones to escape a public reckoning under oath with his deceitful, profit-driven campaign against the plaintiffs and the memory of their loved ones lost at Sandy Hook."

(54,515 posts)LetMyPeopleVote
(159,670 posts)This will be fun to watch
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The Justice Departments Office of the U.S. Trustee told Judge Christopher Lopez the structure of Jones filing may demonstrate these cases are an abuse of the bankruptcy system. The government submission questioned why Jones had not filed for personal bankruptcy and why another business he controls, Free Speech Systems, was not included in the filings earlier this week.
Why didnt Alex Jones or FSS file for bankruptcy relief when Debtors did? They are both defendants in the same litigation as Debtors, and all of them have been found liable in those cases, attorneys Jayson Ruff and Ha Nguyen wrote for the Justice Department unit. It appears that Jones intends to leverage the bankruptcy filings of his holding companies to extend the automatic stays of pending litigation against Debtors to him and FSS, while he maintains full control of FSS and its assets going forward. Thus, this Motion seems to be just the first step for Debtors to carry out Joness and FSSs scheme of avoiding the burdens of bankruptcy while reaping its benefits.
Lawyers for the Sandy Hook families made similar arguments that Jones is making an illegitimate attempt to dodge or delay the financial consequences of his false claims about the 2012 attack.
What Jones and his affiliates want to avoid is the wisdom of juries that would have liquidated his liability and the liability of his affiliates, the families attorneys wrote.
(17,770 posts).... fudging or concealing his net worth.
This will be interesting.
(159,670 posts)The parents in the Texas Sandy Hook case filed last week a lawsuit to appoint trustee nd seek to void fraudulent transfers by Jones. Jones made millions in supplement sales but is only reporting $500,000 in ssets.
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(12,676 posts)Thomas Hurt
(13,931 posts)LetMyPeopleVote
(159,670 posts)Link to tweet
The Infowars store has been particularly lucrative. In a 2019 deposition, Jones' father, who operated much of the business, estimated "something like 80 percent" of revenue was "probably" from Infowars store sales. Citing court documents, the Huffington Post reported in 2022 that over a three year period from 2015 to 2018, the Infowars store did $165 million in sales.....
Late last month, Jones was held in contempt by the Connecticut court for failing to comply with multiple orders to sit for a deposition against him. Jones paid $75,000 in fines over the matter, but later had the money returned to him when he finally did comply with the order.
Mark Bangston, an attorney representing the parents of two Sandy Hook children in a Texas lawsuit, told CNN in an email, "None of the Mr. Jones' ridiculous tricks have worked in the past, and this one will fare no better."
It is Mark Bankston and not Bangston. Mark is Juanita Jean's son
(119,290 posts)LetMyPeopleVote
(159,670 posts)This is the Texas cases where Juanita Jean's son, Mark Bankston, is the lead attorney.Susan sent me the link to one of the hearings and the judge was pissed at Jones. At that hearing, Jones brought in his 9th lawyer who promised the judge she was up to speed. The judge set a deposition for the corporate representative for the entities and gave Jones' attorney 8 issues that the expert had to have knowledge concerning and could testify. The corporate representative did not answer any the question and told the attorney that she may be held in contempt and jailed. That attorney resigned during the hearing and two criminal defense attorneys stepped in. This will be fun to watch
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In a court filing released Friday, Judge Maya Guerra Gamble ordered that Jones and his company Free Speech Systems, LLC, pay a total of $1,078,653 to several people suing Jones for lies he spread about them on his conspiracy platform Infowars. He has 30 days to pay the more than $1 million sum to the different parties, according to the filing......
Gamble eviscerated Infowars and Jones LLC in a previous filing announcing the sanctions earlier this month.
The Court finds that Defendants have intentionally thwarted the legitimate discover process in these cases, Gambles ruling read. The egregious and repetitiveness of Defendants obstruction exhibits a disregard for and disrespect of the integrity of this Court and our judicial system. Plaintiffs discovery of facts necessary to properly present their claim for damages has been irreparably prejudiced in virtually all respects. Absent severe action from this Court, Defendants will ultimately profit from this sabotage of the discovery process.
In 2020, Jones was hit with a similar sanction for failing to provide discovery documents related to the Sandy Hook lawsuit and had to pay $100,000.