Thousands in Memphis rise in unity with Women's March
Embracing the spirit of celebration and determination, an estimated 6,000-plus marchers chanted their way through Downtown Memphis Saturday as numbers for the Memphis Women’s March far exceeded expectations, like many of the other 600 sister marches to the Women’s March on Washington.
Many in in the crowd waved to onlookers as some of the spectators recorded the march on cellphones or leaned out apartment windows in a show of support. The march began at the Judge D’Army Bailey Court House, named for the local civil rights icon, to the National Civil Rights Museum at the Lorraine Motel where Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated in 1968.
The marchers were women and men of all ages, members of many races, representing various religions and sexual orientations. Jubilant in the sunshine of an unseasonably warm winter day, they carried signs, chanted slogans, played drums and rattled tambourines.
They walked dogs, pushed babies in strollers and pulled kids in wagons. Some marchers used canes or rode in scooters.
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