Did Rep. Faison Pants Himself?
Rep. Brandon Ogles (R-FRANKLIN) re-posted a post today about TN GOP caucus chair Rep. Jeremy Faison making national news for trying to PANTS A REF, calling it disgusting, and seeming to question if hes fit to serve both as GOP caucus chair and as a representative entirely.

This comes after we learned from our own SOURCES that Republican Scott Cepicky has allegedly asked TN House GOP caucus chair Jeremy Faison to RESIGN as caucus chair over the embarrassing nationally viral ref-pantsing incident. Heres some Video, ICYMI.
To be clear, neither Ogles nor Cepicky are picture perfect in their own rights, by any stretch. Cepicky in particular spent a long time calling COVID no worse than the flu, until he eventually stopped. (He also lists himself as a professional athlete on his legislative bio even though his NFL career consisted of being a walk-on punter cut in training camp
but we digress.)
The question remains: Will Faison survive as caucus chair? Is his seat at risk? By trying to pull off a refs pants, did he pull his own caucus chair pants off, so to speak?
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