Related: About this forumThank you for all the great input about moving to Oregon, and I have another question
I am a musician, so I am wondering about the live music scene in Eugene and Portland specifically. Basically, I sing Jazz and Blues but I also do a lot of experimental and improvisational music. So, I am just wondering how it is out there. I have heard that Oregon has some interesting music happening.
This move is at least a year away..but the more information I can gather ahead of time, the better.
So thanks in advance for any ideas, comments etc.

(70,765 posts)solara
(3,881 posts)[url=http://www.cosgan.de/smilie.php][img][/img][/url]
(19,326 posts)Is a musician's paradise, unless you plan on making big bucks. That's
precisely because you can't swing a cat by tail in Portlandia without hitting
2-3 musicians. The music scene is rich and diverse. It's a perfect place
to be, especially if you're looking to collaborate, experiment, etc.
If this is a major factor in your decision, I strongly recommend
Portland over Eugene, or any other place in the NorthWest.
My son is a musician, and moved here from Eugene to go into the music
industry, and now works for CD-Baby (which is based in Portland) handling
their VIP musicians, and is having the time of his life. Busking is widely
allowed, with a few modest guidelines put in place by the city. Most every
week night, there are 3-4 open mics around town.
(3,881 posts)I do a bit of busking myself and I love open mics.. so unless the scene changes drastically in the next year or so, Portland may well be my destination
Thank you
(15,120 posts)seems like there are five to every block. I'm exaggerating, but there's live music everywhere.
(3,881 posts)...er probabilities ..all up and down the west coast. I used to live in California, so I am familiar with the paranoia, which I actually conquered while living in LA..... but didn't expect to have to deal with it in Oregon or Washington for that matter
(19,537 posts)They are rare here, but I guess in a climate change world, we can perhaps start looking at more of them too.
Destroyed three buildings...
More often we get heavier storms from time to time that brings down a lot of trees around here.
As for earthquakes, yes, there is one that is due probably centered in the Puget Sound area in the Seattle area, which if it happens on the scale it could, would probably affect Portland as well. Though I think it would be more risky living in the Seattle area and other parts of Washington, and near the coast around the mouth of the Columbia river where it might be hard to escape a tsunami there without much high ground to move to. I think relative to Seattle and the coast, Portland will have its problems, especially with older buildings that aren't up to code (we keep losing on bond measures here to try and fix and update very old school buildings around here), but relatively speaking won't be as bad off as Seattle and the coast if one hits. If you live in a reasonably high ground area that isn't prone to flooding and in a newer house that is built more to code for earthquakes, it probably isn't too bad around here compared to many other west coast areas.
I heard stories of the ash from the Mt. St. Helens eruption and it sounded a lot like the ash that was in the air in the area from the fires I was right near in San Diego area before moving up here. I still feel a lot safer here than being in that fire zone there. Had to house my mom a few days who was evacuated away from Rancho Bernardo, and my office wasn't more than a mile or two away from a lot of the big fire damage through that area then.
(3,881 posts)A tornado that actually did some damage.. that is amazing, but I think you are right about this having to do with climate change. This is very helpful as I have some friends who will be relocating there also and we are all educating ourselves as much as possible. High ground and well built.. duly noted.
Speaking of fires.. I live in the SW and we are surrounded by fires and dryness almost all summer. Looking forward to getting out of here..sometimes the air is so smoky that it is hard to breathe and this is from wild fires hundreds of miles away. I miss seeing GREEN. Oh. and rain. I miss RAIN
Thank you again.
(5,376 posts)I recommend www.tsweekly.com to check out a wide range of music, art, literary, theater, film and a myriad of other offerings in these parts. Plus the outdoor activities, environment and gorgeous scenery are unmatched. Well, maybe it's just me, but I love living here. The mountain views alone are worth the trip!
Glad to have you join us in the country's greatest state. Well, IMHO!
(3,881 posts)I will for sure try that web site