Related: About this forumOregon Health Plan MAJOR problems-wrongful denial.
My wife & I have 2 children & we have been properly covered through the OHP.
We recently mailed in a renewal form including copies of income etc. I'm on disability & they had a statement for that. My wife works retail & we easily qualify.
We recieved a denial letter stating that they had not recieved anything.
Ok so I call. I stayed on hold for 165 minutes!!. This was just before Thanksgiving so I did as much baking & preparation as I could & finally spoke to a human.
They said hmmm never got the renewal. Told her when it was mailed & said I'd repeat everything just do not cut us off.
Here's where I get suspicious. They had the renewal right there they just found it what a coincidence.
But oh my there is another piece of information needed that I didin't have. She said she would try to look it up on SSDI records & verify. I also got a e-mail adress to send the document.
My wife came home & had the exact document she needed. I e-mailed a quality legible photo of the entire document.
The OHP person called that night while my wife was there. I figured she had gotten my e-mail.
Nope-she said she just couldn't find the info on SSDI and oh well she tried. I said I just e-mailed you those documents. She refused to acnowledge it and I again stated they could not go without coverage it would make my family very at risk.
I thought I had & I did do everything asked to keep the coverage.
Today my wife tried to get her prescritions filled & was denied. They have ended coverage.
So here I go again. On hold Monday for however long it takes & I am pissed beyond measure.
Any advice?
Call a TV help program? Shame them somehow?
They were obviously determined to deny my family coverage it was qualified for-I really would like some answers.
But this is just so wrong and frustrating. Windmills are easier to fight!.

(37,137 posts)to send everything to them again. Request a signature showing receipt and track the delivery online.
(1,652 posts)I think states have an insurance commissioner that you can file a complaint with. What they did was a typical tactic to deny coverage.
(2,192 posts)They hate having people post this type of thing to the public. I am sure you would get a response from them.
(2,192 posts)There are some steps to go through to file a formal complaint. When I did it I had to use their forms, but that was before the internet was much more user friendly. As soon as the states starts investigating, you will get a call from your insurance company Pronto.
(2,550 posts)And it only took 120 minutes on hold this time. This time somebody competent who wanted to help. I had already supplied all the documentation she needed after a quick review we were done.
I had to ask "Why?". It was so uneccesary & a pain in the ass. Oh we have a lot of new employee's was the response.
Thats just great a freeper working at OHP.
At least were good for another year.