Related: About this forumBackground checks passed by Oregon Legislature!
At last!! As Rachel Maddow happily reported on yesterday's show, Oregon legisators have passed SB 941, expanding gun background checks, and it's on the way to Governor Brown for signature. Congratulations to all who supported this law, and special thanks to the legislators who voted for it. Needless to say, not a single republican voted in favor, but our Democratic majority prevailed. Present and future Oregonians will be forever grateful!
Cheers--and a big round of applause!
I recommend the website, CeasefireOregon.org. This group worked hard advocating for 941. They did good!
Our state motto in action--Oregon: She Flies With Her Own Wings

(764 posts)As it written this law is unenforceable but it appears the government is going to try and increase the cost of a gun so the bad guys cant afford one?
I have traded guns and most if not all the customers who I traded with have large amount of guns because they are afraid the government is going to try and take the guns from them by passing crazy little antigun laws like this. It is already in 8 states I am curious how this one turns out.
(19,537 posts)Had they had insurance policies required for guns, with what you pay for such insurance raised a lot of there is an "accident" with a gun, perhaps we could have stopped the Clackamas Mall shooting where the gun used in that shooting was because someone didn't safeguard his gun from the visitor in his house that stole it and used it to shoot and kill people there then just a few days before Sandy Hook. Perhaps he would have been more diligent in keeping it locked away then instead of it being "accessable".
(764 posts)We try and educate people about guns with the hunters safety and the CC course but some people still do not safeguard their guns and show kids how to respect a gun and bad things happen. Oh well hindsight is 20/20. We are getting the immediate consequences of and armed society that has lost its way and this is something new in human history. I am curious whats going to happen. Some of the people in this rural community believe the government wants to take our guns and they are preparing for something that sounds kinda like red solution and like I said that's scary. Oh well, poor modeling but that's for another thread.
(5,376 posts)I used to live in an Oregon county where the citizens voted to establish a "UN-Free Zone." Always on the lookout for blue helmets, they were. And yes, they lived in fear of the guvmint taking their guns. Awfully glad when I could move away from there, though the redneck area wherein I now reside keeps me on edge and yes, it's very scary.
Gotta keep the faith!
(764 posts).. about Obama being a secret Muslim based on no evidence but a lot of racist hate and it leaves me felling terribly disappointed about our future.
(19,537 posts).... who was one of two State Senators to win the two newer seats in the State Senate along with two other state senators.
This looks like an orchestrated campaign by the gun rights lobbyists to try and have a separate "mini" election to undo the Democratic Senate Majority there and also go after Legislature seats as well. We should be working with local Democratic Parties to respond to this properly and put such efforts of trying to get petitions signed for these recall in the trash heap where they belong. I guess many of them are PO'd that Bloomberg, in an effort to push for this kind of legislation, put a lot of money in to Chuck Riley's campaign that helped him win this seat in a close race in November.
Chuck Riley was the one hit hard on this, and busy me wasn't aware of this until I got a phone call from someone doing a "poll" that towards the middle started to be loaded questions obviously trying to take quotes out of context and trying to connect different things together in ways that one couldn't really answer intelligently with a simple "rating" answer. I told the pollster, who didn't know how to speak English too well half way through it that I didn't think the questions were fair questions to ask and refused to answer any more and hung up.
Apparently Riley got caught in a gotcha moment when he probably worded a response to a question on a Supreme Court ruling on slavery the wrong way, and made it easy for the righties to quote him out of context to make it sound like he supported slavery. This could be a big problem. I've met and talked to Chuck many times, and I really don't believe he's the jerk he's being painted out to be.
Be prepared for this onslaught from the right like I wasn't with the phone call I was answering last night. Fortunately, knowing Chuck, I could sense that this quote was taken out of context, and said so before hanging up.
If they really start to get serious about this, perhaps we should also put out recall petitions against some of the extreme Republicans in the State Senate too, to equalize the numbers of people that might come out in this election if it were to happen and slap these bums down and tell them to STFU.
(5,376 posts)Kari Chisolm of BlueOregon.org explained the process in a recent article on his site. Not that easy, and could have very different results than what the petitioners would like. I'm over here in Redneck Country (most of Eastern Oregon), and thus well-acquainted with the Second Amendment "rights" folks. We've got only republican representation, and I pretty much count on you folks on the West side doing the right thing with the political craziness going on. Speaking of craziness, the fact that Art Robinson is chair of the state's republican party is a real head-shaker. I like your idea to circulate recall petitions against some of the most extreme (who sadly include my reps. Sigh...). And these are the folks who are out to "get" Chuck.
Keep hanging in there, and please tell Chuck how much he's appreciated on this side of the Cascades.
(19,537 posts)... taking his place!! Or his son! Would Sarah Gelser, now that she's in the Senate be a good replacement for him? Or would someone else who we wouldn't lose from a state office be better to take DeFazio's place and not lose to Robinson?.
(18,791 posts)Glad to see they had real "brass" in Salem, to stand up to the dilusional and paranoid crowd.
(19,537 posts)... when the legislature was trying to get this sort of bill passed then. I'm guessing it was looking at stories like this that had Bloomberg heavily fund Riley's and Gelser's campaign to take back the State Senate to a majority that might pass this.
(18,791 posts)Unless he thinks he might have to hide his face when he starts shooting up the place.
Twisted paranoid weirdos.