Related: About this forumHey Oklahomans: Please find time to call your reps today!
Oklahoma needs help from the government due to the horrible storms the last couple of days, and let's not forget that many politicians from our state voted against Hurricane Sandy relief, including Bridenstine and Mullen, one of their first votes after being elected last year.
I think they should all be held to task for their votes. I intend to ask if they're going to vote against assistance for Oklahoma, and if not, ask them why they are hypocrites.
Coburn says he wants cuts to offset the recovery costs.
They need to hear from us, and know that we're keeping track of their insane views.
Also, if you've ever used Mullen Plumbing, it's time to find another plumber and take a second to call Mullen and let them know they've lost your business due to the politics of the owner.

white cloud
(2,567 posts)I pray that The President's visit to Oklahoma did some good. I believe his sincerety and pledge to help our state will make an impression on our folks who really need help. Maybe many folks will see that the Federal government is not their enemy. PK