Related: About this forumOklahoma May Deny Women Affordable Birth Control Because It ‘Poisons Their Bodies’
http://thinkprogress.org/health/2013/02/22/1627441/oklahoma-birth-control-poison/Oklahoma already prevents women from using their insurance plans to help cover abortion services, but Republicans arent stopping there. One state lawmaker wants to continue stripping insurance coverage for reproductive health services, advancing a measure that would allow employers to refuse to cover birth control for any reason based solely on the fact that one of his constituents believes it poisons womens bodies.
Under State Sen. Clark Jolley (R)s measure, no employer shall be required to provide or pay for any benefit or service related to abortion or contraception through the provision of health insurance to his or her employees. According to the Tulsa World, Jolleys inspiration for his bill came from one of his male constituents who is morally opposed to birth control, and wanted to find a small group insurance plan for himself and his family that didnt include coverage for those services:
Jolley said the measure is the result of a request from a constituent, Dr. Dominic Pedulla, an Oklahoma City cardiologist who describes himself as a natural family planning medical consultant and womens health researcher. [...]
Women are worse off with contraception because it suppresses and disables who they are, Pedulla said.
Part of their identity is the potential to be a mother, Pedulla said. They are being asked to suppress and radically contradict part of their own identity, and if that wasnt bad enough, they are being asked to poison their bodies.
I did the bold
More at the link

Sekhmets Daughter
(7,515 posts)Warpy
(113,131 posts)and girl children will be exempted from learning how to read, all for the protection of the weak sex, of course.
I am outraged that men like these arrogant pimples are still out there in the world and that other men listen to them.
(12,263 posts)birth control. I am so glad I knocked the dust from my feet; if I were still there I'd probably be buying an assault rifle.
(41,832 posts)I'm sure it won't get through the courts. Fortunately the court has ruled against every single one of the crazy laws that have been passed.
(12,263 posts)How many millions of taxpayer dollars will be wasted on this debacle? I miss many things about Oklahoma, but the politics these days are so hateful there.
(62,584 posts)To Afghanistan to live with the Taliban.
(3,574 posts)Reading the bills that are being introduced this session is making me ill. There is NOTHING addressing the real problems in this state, only crackpot bills from the GOP majority. I wish I was 15 years younger and had a bit of money put away, I'd move out of here in a heartbeat--and I love my state. But this is ridiculous.
I've know Dr. Pedulla since he first came to Oklahoma. He's had a reputation as a good cardiologist, and I knew he was a hardcore Catholic, but I don't remember anything about him being a "natural family planning medical consultant and women's health researcher." He's obviously joined the tea Party wagon. I wonder if he's getting paid for his "work."
(14,337 posts)Don't think this is the major reason against BC? White, MARRIED women aren't making enough babies. Abortion? No, because these babies aren't being conceived to being with because of contraceptives, which DO work, and sterilizations. They can rant and rave for publicity about religion and Sandra Fluke "sluts" but the women who they WANT (white) and SHOULD {married) aren't conceiving to begin with. Misconception (pun) but they also think these women will be part of their Conservative voting bloc also.
(16,149 posts)Right under your nose.
Welcome to 1984.
Mrs. Ted Nancy
(462 posts)Fom one of his articles:
"The direct and compelling evidence of the strong, arguably causal connection between oral contraceptives (OCPs) and gravely adverse psychosocial outcomes, including suicide, comes from the three largest-ever studies which evaluated OCPs. These were the Royal College of General Practitioners study (47,174 women), the Oxford/FPA study (17,032 women), and the Walnut Creek study (16,638 women). They found strong and clearcut evidence in each case of increased rates of suicide and attempted suicide, as well as violent (intentional and accidental) deaths and mishaps. Pill users were 2.66 times as likely to attempt suicide as nonusers in the Royal college study, 4 times as likely in the Oxford/FPA study, and 2.53 times in the Walnut Creek study. It is fair and accurate to conclude that the pill is associated with excesses of suicide, mental illness, and even violent deaths and accidents."
From the Royal College of General Practitioners study:
"We are unable to explain the increased risk of violent and accidental deaths in our study among ever users of oral contraceptives. The persistence of this effect is noteworthy. The Nurses Health Study (from the US) and the Oxford study did not find a significantly increased risk of death from suicide and trauma or from accidents and violence
"Conclusion: Oral contraception was not associated with an increased long term risk of death in this large UK cohort; indeed, a net benefit was apparent. (emphasis mine) The balance of risks and benefits, however, may vary globally, depending on patterns of oral contraception usage and background risk of disease."
I wasn't able to access the full text of the other two studies, but the abstracts seem to contradict Pedulla's claims.
Here is some background info on Pedulla.
"A devout Catholic, Pedulla founded the Christian Cardiovascular Institute and has served as a missionary medical provider in the Dominican Republic. Dr. Dominic Pedulla is a supporter of numerous charitable organizations, which include the Pope Benedict XVI Preparatory School Foundation, Kids2Achieve, Catholic Charities, and the Girl Scouts of Oklahoma City...
Dr. Pedulla previously served as a missionary medical provider in the Dominican Republic. He serves on the Board of Directors of the International Family Planning Foundation, which is active throughout the Third World. He is also a generous supporter of Natural Family Planning Outreach...
A devoted husband, Dr. Pedulla is the father of nine children. Fittingly, his favorite saint is St. Joseph. An avid reader, Dr. Pedulla is a fan of the literary works of Ernest Hemingway and Camille Paglia, among many others."
Therefore, Clark Jolley is a fool for not fact-checking Pedulla's claims.