Chicken-Fried News: Rather than do the right thing and name it the Misinformation Superhighway,

Jerry Bennett
Rather than do the right thing and name it the Misinformation Superhighway, the Oklahoma legislature decided once again to take it too far (like they always do).
Coming soon nowhere near you: Donald J. Trump Presidential Highway.
Once again, instead of pushing through important legislation during unprecedented times for the nation, this state or its capital, the Republican clown car on the hill decided to dedicate crucial time to repealing a state law so that a 20-mile stretch of U.S. 287 from Boise City to the Texas state line in nowhere Cimarron County can carry on the legacy of their exalted orange one. Boy, must he be proud. In the rankings, are highways more or less tremendous than walls?
In order to kiss the ring on one of those tiny Trump fingers, the legislature had to repeal a law which stated that all people for whom highways are named must be dead three years unless they are a Medal of Honor recipient.