Related: About this forumOklahoma Senator Jim Inhofe can't stay in the shadows any longer
MSNBCs Chris Matthews retired this week after too many on-air and off-air comments about the relative attractiveness of female reporters, politicians and even former acting U.S. attorney general Sally Yates when she testified before the House Intelligence Committee in March 2017. When Matthews said his mea culpas, I remembered a similar instance with a member of Oklahomas congressional delegation.
At first, I was not entirely sure which person made the comment, but I knew who it was about: U.S. Sen. Kamala Harris, D-California. After that, it did not take much mind-racking to remember that the culprit was U.S. Sen. James Inhofe, the senior senator from Oklahoma.
On the morning of Aug. 2, 2018, Inhofe was in front of a safe crowd, holding a town hall meeting at Midwest City Chamber of Commerce, 5905 Prosper Blvd. An article in The Oklahoman later that day reported what he said.
Inhofe named four liberal senators believed to be considering a presidential run and said he originally favored Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders because he would be the easiest to beat but now believes Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., could be better for Republicans. Shes by far the best-looking one, Inhofe said to laughter.
This fucker HAS to go!

(33,643 posts)This is actually pretty classy for that asshole.
(12,858 posts)That no paper in OK would publish
There are stories he had massive financial fights with his church and members of his family IIRC they claimed he engaged in some financial improprietites
After OKC Bombing he said I think something on order of more would have been killed but as usual many of fed burocrats were goofing off and late to work or took a day off
Shortly after becoming a senator he gave a speech in Senate stating Israel should make no land deal with the Palestinians. Why? Because all the land belongs to the Jews---we know this because the Bible states that God gave the land to them--case closed
(15,632 posts)I was doing some grad work at Oklahoma State University at the time. A club I was in had a entry in the homecoming parade (consisting of us marching/dancing behind a truck holding a boombox playing music - we put a lot of effort into it). We and the other entrants were strewn around a neighborhood waiting for our turn to go, and I went over to the Young Democrats float and got a Clinton/Gore sticker. Not 5 minutes later, Inhofe came riding by on a horse. I told the club faculty advisor that I was planning on asking him for a photo and putting the sticker on his saddle blanket, and she agreed to take the photo. Alas, there was some kid waiting to give me an Inhofe sticker who had me in his sights so I couldn't - for the photo. After it was taken, I went around the other side of the horse and put it there. I hoped he would ride through the parade stumping for Bill and Al, but it was not to be. He went over to some marchers for a state republican candidate, and they found the sticker. He and his horse trotted back over to our entry just as we were given the go-ahead to move out. I was on the opposite side of the truck, ducking down, and looking through the driver's and passenger windows to see him standing up in the saddle, scanning the group for me with a pissed-off look on his face. I giggled the entire parade.