Related: About this forumGOP pushing cats & dogs lies to cover up damaging Bernie Moreno news
MAGA Senate Candidate Caught Lying to Voters About His Money
Edith Olmsted
Thu, September 12, 2024 at 2:18 PM EDT
4 min read
But in April, just a few weeks after winning the Republican primary, Moreno spent $9.5 million on a plot of land in Sunbury, Ohio, according to NBC News. Around the same time, Mercedes-Benz Financial Services entered into a mortgage agreement with a company called M20 Realty LLCone of the 20 businesses that Moreno owns, according to a recent financial disclosure statement. Moreno has signed off on $40 million worth of Mercedes-Benz financing to open up a new dealership, according to the Statehouse News Bureau.
Moreno had signed the mortgage as M20 Realtys manager and also signed a landlord-tenant agreement between M20 Realty and M20 Motors on behalf of both companies, according to the Delaware County, Ohio, recorder. Moreno said the Sunbury project has been in the works for four years, according to NBC News. In 2022, M20 motors registered for the name Mercedes-Benz Sunbury.
Campaign spokeswoman Regan McCarthy hit back at claims that Moreno had presented his financial interests dishonestly. The Sunbury dealership is not currently an operating company and is going to be run by Bernies son, McCarthy told the Statehouse News Bureau. This is an investment by Bernie in a business for his son, not a business for himself.
In addition to his future plans, it seems Moreno has also been lying about his past. When he applied to open an Infiniti car dealership in Coral Gables, Florida, a document submitted claimed that he had received an MBA from the University of Michigan. Moreno had even signed the application. However, the Michigan Office of Public Affairs told the Ohio Capital Journal Monday that Moreno held only a bachelors degree in business.
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Ohio DUers: What information do you have about the recent Bernie Moreno news stories? Apparently. Moreno has been pushing anti-immigrant propaganda as well, even though hes an immigrant himself.
Im here in Georgia and Ive not been paying enough attention to the Senate race in Ohio. I know Sherrod Brown is not viewed favorably by some Democrats due to the whole Biden issue, but we do need to keep a Senate majority. Do you think that a majority of Ohio voters will see through the insane anti-immigrant propaganda and vote for Brown?

Xavier Breath
(5,403 posts)The only time I really see his face or hear his name is in a commercial. Other than that news stories about him, especially in our paper, are few and far between.
But, from what I've seen of him he's just so darn relatable. I mean, whose dad hasn't bought them a Mercedes dealership?
We need to be playing up that MBA from Michigan angle. Seriously, a lot of people here are so invested in that whole Michigan/Ohio rivalry that it could flip sone votes Sherrod's way.
(21,615 posts)If you could, please share information about Moreno with your friends and family and fellow Ohioans. I did a quick Google search on him. There are many stories about his background, his campaign and his staffers, one of whom just resigned.
Yesterday, he showed up in Springfield to trash immigrants and Democrats. The Ohio Democratic Party seems to be pushing back with some anti-Vance statements, but this is definitely an all hands on deck situation for Ohio Democrats. Heres a link to a story:
Im getting ready to knock doors here in Northeast Georgia this afternoon. #GOTV yall!
Good luck up there in Ohio. 🗳️🇺🇸
(13,012 posts)malaise
(281,890 posts)Rec
(21,615 posts)They succeeded in making their immigrant journey to the US, only to have this horrible stuff happen.
(281,890 posts)and whip them on Election day
(6,754 posts)Especially when they are LEGAL IMMIGRANTS exactly like Moreno who immigrated from Colombia yet, according to the article, he racistly slams them as illegals. They have just as much right to be here and to be protected from NeoNazi violence and thuggery as you and every other human being deserves Bernie. A true fascist cretin he is who must be trounced at the ballot box.
(51,108 posts)StarryNite
(11,412 posts)It's like a twofer for them. They smear the refugees with horrible lies and get the bonus of distracting people from what Moreno did.
(21,615 posts)Link to tweet
(55,161 posts)Make no mistake, the GOP spreading these lies was all about trying to stir Ohio voters to vote out Sherrod Brown so Republicans can take over the Senate. That is why Republicans are picking on these LEGAL Haitian immigrants in this small town in Ohio. They want to be able to block Democratic appointments to the federal bench. They want to block majority rule. This was as cynical as it gets.
As Heather Cox Richardson summarized it:
Controlling the country through the courts was the plan behind stacking the courts with Republican nominees and weaponizing the filibuster to stop Democrats from passing legislation. In March 2024, in Slate, legal analyst Mark Joseph Stern noted that McConnell realized you dont need to win elections to enact Republican policy. You dont need to change hearts and minds. You dont need to push ballot initiatives or win over the views of the people. All you have to do is stack the courts. You only need 51 votes in the Senate to stack the courts with far-right partisan activists
[a]nd they will enact Republican policies under the guise of judicial review, policies that could never pass through the democratic process. And those policies will be bulletproof, because they will be called law.
(19,747 posts)The reporter's name is Edith Olmsted.
Coincidence? Or an insidious plot by the Liberal Media? hahaha
(94 posts)It seems for every Sherrod Brown ad I see two Bernie Moreno ads. How is it looking for Sherrod in this critical race?
(21,615 posts)Crypto Comes For Sherrod Brown: $32 Million in Ads Boosting His Opponent
Crypto companies are spending $800,000 a day to take out one of their chief critics in Congress and replace him with an ally
SEPTEMBER 15, 2024
(417 posts)oregonjen
(3,523 posts)Ive looked and couldnt find this posted there, thus my suggestion.
(21,615 posts)Im in Georgia, so I wanted to find out what Ohio DUers knew about all of this.
(3,523 posts)Its just too important, we all need to see this. I really would like MSNBC or CNN to pick this up and broadcast it.
(21,615 posts)I had to leave the house and go door knocking for the Georgia Coordinating Committee for Harris-Walz campaign. I didnt get home until the evening.
Clouds Passing
(4,043 posts)FemDemERA
(476 posts)Bev54
(12,214 posts)I read her most of the time on facebook, but haven't see anything on this and would like to read it.
(21,615 posts)Heres an excerpt from her Substack article:
The widespread ridicule of Trumps statement has obscured that this attack on Ohios immigrants is part of an attempt to regain control of the Senate. Convincing Ohio voters that the immigrants in their midst are subhuman could help Republicans defeat popular Democratic incumbent senator Sherrod Brown, who has held his seat since 2007. Brown and Montanas Jon Tester, both Democrats in states that supported Trump in 2020, are key to controlling the Senate.
Two Republican super PACs, one of which is linked to Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), have booked more than $82 million of ad space in Ohio between Labor Day and the election and are focusing on immigration.
Taking control of the Senate would enable Republicans not only to block all popular Democratic legislation, as they did with gun reform after the 2012 Sandy Hook massacre, but to continue to establish control of Americas judicial system. So long as their judges are in place to make law from the bench, what the majority of Americans want doesnt matter.
In 1986, when it was clear that most Americans did not support the policies put in place by the Reagan Republicans, the Reagan appointees at the Justice Department broke tradition to ensure that candidates for judgeships shared their partisanship. Their goal, said the presidents attorney general, Ed Meese, was to institutionalize the Reagan revolution so it cant be set aside no matter what happens in future presidential elections.
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