Related: About this forumAnyone here from the Akron area?
Remember this monstrosity?
Rex Humbards vision of the future

captain queeg
(11,780 posts)I remember Rex on TV but not his monument (I lived about 25 miles out of town).
(36,217 posts)I remember seeing it on road trips to relatives houses. Sure was a huge monstrosity plopped down right in the middle of a residential area.
captain queeg
(11,780 posts)Its funny, all my years in OH I pretty much staying in the NW corner and hardly ever traveled outside of it. Nowadays after moving away I think nothing of going 100 miles for pretty trivial reasons. Most of the people I went to school live still live in that same area
we can do it
(12,839 posts)Rexs erection as locals call it is now a cell tower.
(78 posts)They had (still have?) a cheap buffet.
If you want to know where the cheap eats are, follow the blue hairs.
(14,138 posts)But i used to go to roadways express old Akron terminal.
But I do not remember seeing this architectural wonder why you Ohioans are so blessed.
(36,217 posts)As in, wonder how they ever managed to egregiously skirt zoning laws oh well it was a church (for the record, anyway) and back then you know how times were.
(4,477 posts)She watched him all the time and thought he was wonderful. Once he sent her a registered
letter saying he needed money to pay tutors for his grandchildren because they were going on tour. She could not afford to send money but she continued to. She also sent money to the 700 Club all of the time.
(27,870 posts)Id take a tour if invited. I have no use for the televangelists, however, and I believe Angleys buffet restaurant has been closed as well. Never ate there, and Im glad.
(457 posts)Ernest Angley, another preacher, had it for a while. The place was cited for not paying workers in the restaurant. Angley lived to be near a hundred. Before he died, a strange sex scandal came to light. He examined followers...ah...well, he was not a licensed urologist.