Related: About this forumI have to say something about GOP congressman Bill Johnson.
He was inexplicitly named president at Youngstown University during a behind closed door process. He's been an outspoken critic of LGBT and abortion rights. He considers colleges to be liberal breeding grounds. He toadys up to Trump at every opportunity.
When he ran for congress in 2000 against the great Charlie Wilson for a newly gerrymandered district, he campaigned on draining the DC swamp and better serving his constituents. He just loved America so much he only wanted to help. He just wanted to be a public servant.
I figured him then as a phony, pandering to yokels along the Ohio River who identified with his fake "ah shucks" personality. Sure enough, when offered a salary bump that nearly doubled his congressional pay, he jumped like a blood starved flea to serve at the school he loved so much he just wanted to serve, constituents be damned. It mattered little to him he had no experience in higher education.
Now we see donors fleeing and demanding they have their name removed from the university One couple is changing their multi million dollar will to exclude YSU. Bruce Zoldan alone canceled a $5mil donation. I'm sure this choice for president will affect future enrollment as well.
A man who claims to love YSU as much as he should politely withdraw his name to save the school, but when asked if he would back out, he sputtered that he has a signed contract and he WILL be president. Clearly he was signaling that he would sue the crap out of his beloved university for breach of contract if the school dared to back out.
Bill Johnson only cares about money. YSU can wither and die as long as his checks clear. One alumni in particular has him figured out:

(12,388 posts)Today, they are the Republican Party. And they all wish to destroy the US to remake it as an ignorant, repressive society where only white heterosexual men have any rights.
(8,787 posts)Yes Ohio voted in Issue I in Nov, but the GOP holds nearly every top post and office in the state and just endorsed the Mango Mussolini.
(36,217 posts)Ive been extremely upset over this whole debacle ever since it was announced. It stinks of a back door, secret, done deal. The salary and perks this yahoo is going to get from Ohio taxpayers is unbelievable.
Whatever were the trustees thinking, (or smoking) fawning over a Trump stooge in every way who has absolutely zero experience in education? His voting record shows he has voted with Trump 96% of the time.
I guess hes only anti-public-education, anti-immigrant, anti-diversity, anti-woman, when hes not getting a huge paycheck and perks at the taxpayers expense. I couldnt myself come up with anyone WORSE for the job. And I know other YSU alums who feel the same way.
Any ideas that he would attract donors seems to be working the opposite way. Hes already alienated many. Some of them who promised millions.
News reports say the trustees are just flabbergasted at this reaction by the public. What did they expect, hiring an extremist, partisan, hack with no experience in education? I fear now for the legitimacy of YSU and the backwards slide of all that Jim Tressel accomplished there.
If Johnson had any class, hed say, Im flattered but I can see how my presence here is undeniably controversial, so Ill remain in Congress serving my constituents . But, no, hes probably giddy over his new gig and all the prestige he thinks hes worthy of. It makes me nauseous to the core.
(19,723 posts)He talks like a backwoods hillbilly, but I suppose that cleverly appeals to the majority of his constituents in small mining towns along the Ohio River. That's how the Ohio GOP gerrymandered a safe district that included very blue Youngstown. In 2000 during Operation Red State they added a narrow tail to that district that followed the river almost to Cincinnati. Bill Johnson spoke their language.
How that qualifies him to lead YSU leaves me without words. Well, except for the hundreds I posted above.
(36,217 posts)Its just unimaginable to me that the trustees dropped this lucrative deal in his lap. This had to have been in the works behind closed doors.
I guess actually qualifying for a job isnt a thing anymore, its long as youre a Trump toady and you live in a red state.
(36,594 posts)Maybe then it can rid itself of the criminal stink.
(65,303 posts)But did not know how he was as an administrator. Tressels parents came from my hometown, but were gone before I was born. Would be curious your thoughts on his admin.