Related: About this forumVoting update from a small Village in Ohio
Chagrin Falls Ohio has a population of approximately 4,300 and is located in Cuyahoga County just 18 miles from Cleveland.
My intent was to vote last week but deferred to today.
I had to stand in a line, I was shocked. When voting in person in the past, I could count on zipping in and out without any lines.
I asked an election worker about turn out, and she said everyone was unbelievably shocked at how busy theyve been all day.
Roller coaster emotional ride for sure,
Go Ohio

(13,867 posts)Montgomery County Ohio...steady flow line at 8 am....only one issue to vote on so it's fast too. ...Voted NO ON ISSUE 1.
True Blue American
(18,430 posts)Went in several weeks ago. Recieved and included in the counting.NO!
(13,867 posts)

(113,131 posts)as it usually is in other states. I hope people are voting against the power grab by the lege.
I have to think at least a slim majority of Americans aren't Fascist.
(36,217 posts)Thought if they held this one single issue vote in August, they get a super low turnout!
Im so proud of all who are voting!
marble falls
(63,643 posts)Ninga
(8,787 posts)because turn put in Dem strong holds was weak.
Sibelius Fan
(24,663 posts)to defeat abortion rights, and that it would be overturned the minute a Xian-friendly issue appeared on the ballot.
(19,382 posts)Absolutely no foresight in this group.
(41,563 posts)Backseat Driver
(4,663 posts)Voted NO - no line; no waiting. Breezed right through. Poll worker said "really good" turnout at our location today. Thanks Franklin County early voters.
(6,760 posts)that repubs voted absentee. Now they are encouraged to vote in person. That was part of the plan so trump could claim he won on election day and those other ballots were fraud for Dems. I'm hoping the big turn out means no on 1 this time.
(8,787 posts)Fingers crossed.
(32,109 posts)for years, she says, it skewed very Republican in voting. Is that still the case today?
(8,787 posts)Biden in 2020. In the last school board election, the self proclaimed anti diversity candidates lost biggly.
Thanks for the update.
I worked on an estate in Bentleyville for a few years. Long time ago, before the Chagrin River Road bridge was washed out.
(8,787 posts)be buffered by the Metro park. Its a lovely area.
(32,109 posts)PittBlue
(4,477 posts)We moved to Middleburg Heights two years ago from SW PA. Chagrin Falls was one of the first places that we visited. We love attending plays at the theater and love E pizza! The town is so beautiful and it always reminds of New England.
5 of us in our family voted NO
it was my 18 year old grandsons first time to vote!
(41,563 posts)Captain Zero
(7,720 posts)Slogan correct today.
(1,230 posts)Were waiting and watching and hoping with you.
Best of luck for a better tomorrow!
(8,787 posts)ShazzieB
(19,714 posts)They were saying like for voting in Ohio today are literally stretching for blocks in some places! If they said where, I didn't catch it, but it made my heart skip a beat!
I mean, I hate that anyone has to stand in line that long to vote, but it's great hearing the turnout is so high, especially since the Repugs tried so hard to force a low turnout. Good job, Ohio!
(15,177 posts)Ensign Parker in the old TV series McHale's Navy.
As to the turnout - GREAT! I am thinking huge turnout is not what the Republicans wanted on this one...
(41,563 posts)True Blue American
(18,430 posts)Chagrin Falls. I guess he thought people would know where that was!
(8,787 posts)His parents didnt feel acting provided a very steady income so with that in mind, every time he visited from Hollywood his mother would reassuringly tell him the hardware store was hiring!
True Blue American
(18,430 posts)We had Jonathon Winters. I passed him on the wide streets of Dayton looking around to see if anyone recognized him. I was the only one who did. He smiled at me when I did a double take. He was just starting out.
Same with Mel Torme. Both just starting.
(85,363 posts)Thanks for the report, Ninga!