Related: About this forumHow could voter turnout have fallen in Ohio?
This just does not make sense to me with so many important issues on the ballot!

(9,629 posts)Had more of an effect in Ohio? I think it had an effect on the AA vote in Milwaukee.
(3,673 posts)Especially Dems would have crawled to the polls this year.
(9,629 posts)And that was enough to stop the Red Wave. But, based on the exit polling, more than 6 out of 10 white women said they voted for the Republicans.
(3,673 posts)If that is so I would believe that. I expect more Dem absentee voters but that could have changed too.
(9,629 posts)I would have to go back and see if was specific to in-person voters.
(4,363 posts)Seems like the States that Republicans had a strong performance in were states that had lower turnout.
Florida had 300, 000 less voters than in 2018
(3,673 posts)But then more Rs should have died than Ds I would think. Makes zero sense!
(36,217 posts)Hope22
(3,673 posts)Are they saying Dems didnt show up when we had a tight race to get a Dem Senator? That makes no sense. Are they saying women gave zero craps about having their rights being taken away? Are they saying that Dem men in Ohio care so little about their wives, daughters, sisters, mothers, and friends that they just couldnt be bothered. If this is true it is so upsetting! My brain does not want to believe it!
(9,629 posts)For a 10 y.o. to be raped and be forced to give birth to rapist's child.
(37,549 posts)off.
(3,673 posts)doc03
(37,549 posts)Marthe48
(20,232 posts)so we are stuck with a turd in a suit. Hoping he's a one term snag.
On the upside, Marcy Kaptur was reelected and Emilia Sykes was elected. Greg Landsman defeated chabot, so there were some bright spots in the election.
(3,673 posts)Thanks.
(2,234 posts)I know a lot of folks werent thrilled with Nan Whaley, and a lot also were not thrilled with Tim Ryans Pelosi bashing. I count among those, but I damn sure wasnt going to let it keep me from voting for them. Apparently Vance got votes from people who didnt like him but who couldnt handle the thought of two Democratic senators in Ohio and wanted a balance of power. I am rolling my eyes so damn hard here that I may have dislocated my neck.
(3,673 posts)What a little coward. They go back to the day when Dayton suffered senseless gun violence. She organized Ohioans and got Dewine to finally agree to do something about the guns. He lied of course, waited a year and then refused to do anything. Eventually gave us guns for all, one in each pocket!
As for Ryan. He was stellar in the impeachment communications. Always on point and professional. He tried to distance himself from looking too polished during the election and I am certain he felt he needed to distance himself from Pelosi and Biden to attract the crossover knuckle draggers that are Ohio voters. I contacted his campaign and told them they needed to throw the rest of us a bone from time to time. He would have done a great job for all of us. Instead we got a man as soulless as Trump who is even a better liar. We are screwed! I am still in shock at the stomping we got.
One thing that I did notice. In 2020 every one of my neighbors had Trump signs out. We did not put signs out because in previous years our signs had been set on fire and shot at. This year we decided to put all of the Dem signs out. Our neighbors did not put one sign out but obviously must have scurried to the polls to vote. We will probably pay for putting the signs out but so it goes.
I hope your neck is feeling better soon!
(2,234 posts)Ohio Dems have a lot of work to do.