Related: About this forum"Esther's Law" Allowing Cameras In Nursing Home Rooms Passes Ohio Senate
The Senate has okayed a bipartisan bill that allows nursing home and long-term care facility residents and their families to install cameras in their rooms to prevent abuse and neglect.
Sponsoring Sen. Nickie Antonio (D-Lakewood) said 11 years ago, the family of 90 year old Esther Piskor was concerned about her quiet moods and unexplained bruising they saw in their visits to her northeast Ohio nursing home.
Her family then placed videocameras in her room and caught horrific footage of her being assaulted by health care professionals," Antonio said on the Senate floor. "Unfortunately, this is not unique to Esther.
Antonio said the state got more than 19,000 reports of elder abuse, neglect and exploitation in 2018, the most recent year for which stats are available.
Read more: https://www.statenews.org/post/esthers-law-allowing-cameras-nursing-home-rooms-passes-ohio-senate
(6,499 posts)a black and blue mark.
(2 posts)IF you would have taken time out and looked at the story you would have seen it was all caught on hidden cameras, THE BRUSIES WERE THE REASON FOR PUTTING IN THE CAMERA. There are hundreds of stories about this abuse on the net. One Aide went to prison for 10 1/2 years, one to jail for six month, three were fired and three were discipling. The nursing home was fined $357,000.
No Vested Interest
(5,217 posts)bullying, stealing, etc. by some staff.
Staff will soon know which and where cameras are installed, and even possibly cut them off, turn them around backwards or anything that can be done to interrupt filming.
Many aides are poorly trained and not suited psychologically for the work of caring for aged or inform persons.
It is hard work to care for these residents; many are immature and not up to the task.
(2 posts)It will be against the law to tamper, move, shut off, block or retaliate for a camera in a long term care facility resident room.