Governor Coopers 2017 to 2019 Budget Proposal PDF
Governors recommended budget for the state
The purpose of this document is to summarize Governor Coopers recommended state budget for the two fscal years of the 2017-19 biennium. This publicaton includes recommendatons for expenditures from the General Fund, Highway Fund, and Highway Trust Fund. Recommended expenditures for capital improvements and for reserves, debt service, and other adjustments are also included.
Governors letter and highlights
Governor Coopers priorites are listed in his transmittal letter, followed by a brief descripton of key recommendatons on a Highlights page.
Revenue and budget summary
A summary of General Fund recommendatons by department/budget code for the entre state budget appears in two tables: Governors Recom- mended General Fund Appropriaton, FY 2017-18 and Governors Recommended General Fund Ap- propriaton, FY 2018-19. Estmates of fund avail- ability, an economic forecast, and demographic analysis are also included in this secton.
Budget recommendatons
The budget recommendatons porton of this document meets the requirement of the State Budget Act to distnguish between contnuaton require- ments (i.e., the base budget) and recommended adjustments to the base budget. Brief explanatons of recommended adjustments to the budget are provided in sectons that correspond to the following government functons: Educaton; General Government; Health and Human Services; Justce and Public Safety; Natural and Economic Resources; and Transportaton.
Budget adjustments for a given department/agency appear in the appropriate secton (for example, the University of North Carolina appears in the Educaton secton, the Department of Revenue appears in the General Government secton, and so forth).
A department/agency presentaton begins with a summary table, showing a base budget, adjustments to the base, and the total of requirements, receipts, appropriaton, and positons for the department/agency. Next is an explanaton of each adjustment for a given department/agency, along with a listng of the recurring and nonrecur- ring requirements, receipts, net appropriaton, and positons for the proposed change.
Adjustments are arranged with compensaton changes frst, followed by changes grouped by priority. Reductons are recommended decreases to the base budget, while expansions are new pro- grams or expansions of existng programs.
The Transportaton secton summarizes recommended revenue and expenditures for the Highway Fund and the Highway Trust Fund in additon to the typical presentaton of adjustments.
The Capital Improvements secton and Reserves and Other Adjustments secton display informaton in a manner similar to the presentaton of adjust- ments as described above.
Tables in the appendix summarize various components of the state budget, including a series of tables that show the total state budget by functon, department, and source of funds for each year of the biennium. Documents contained in the appendix in previous years can be found on the OSBM website.
Line item details
Line item base budget details for all budget codes and their component funds are available in PDF format on the website of the Ofce of State Bud- get and Management (OSBM),
Link leads to PDF download of the entire proposal.