North Carolina
Related: About this forumNC Lt. Gov. Declares Straight Relationships 'Superior' to Gay Ones - Says Even Cow Manure Is Better
North Carolinas far right Christian nationalist Lt. Governor, Republican Mark Robinson, set his sights on LGBTQ people once again, attacking same-sex relationships as inferior to heterosexual ones while proudly declaring even cow manure is superior because it serves a purpose.
I cant stand to turn that TV on and I dont want my grandkids watching that television because I dont want to have to explain to my grandkids why two men are kissing, said Robinson, speaking in a church, according to Right Wing Watch (video below). And I dont care what anybody thinks about that. Get mad at me if you want to you. Aint no child got no business seeing no two men kiss. If they did, God would have made it that way! He didnt!
Everything that God made serves a purpose, Robinson continued, as his attacks on LGBTQ people were applauded.
I dont care how ugly it is. Lets get a little ugly, he said proudly. I want you to think about what the cows leave behind. It dont get no uglier than that, he said, explaining that manure is fertilizer that makes the grass so green.
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(189,240 posts), you moron
Haggard Celine
(17,112 posts)And God creates good and evil, because they both serve his purposes. I don't know why he created that asshole Lt. Gov., but I guess he had a reason. Vote his ass out!
(10,252 posts)I guess he's wallowed in enough of it to gathering it up to sling at people, who don't fit his pictures. He makes people wrong so he can make himself feel right.
All contaminated things are of the nature of suffering.
(38,623 posts)Prof. Toru Tanaka
(2,490 posts)Someone ought to explain to him that it is chlorophyll (a green pigment) that gives grass its green color.
The right has a seemingly inexhaustible supply of ignorance and stupidity. If they had their way, I believe evangelicals would happily bring back "purity tests" reminiscent of the Salem witchcraft trials or the Inquisition.
Having to listen to intolerant morons like Mark Robinson is one reason I am glad not to attend church services.
(40,321 posts)bucolic_frolic
(49,158 posts)Last edited Fri Nov 26, 2021, 09:39 AM - Edit history (1)
Doesn't that make him superior to God? isn't that a no-no? This guy has some serious philosophical flaws.
(26,795 posts)PJMcK
(23,362 posts)I'm sure it's superior to my friend and neighbors' who've been happy together for almost 30 years.
Hey, Mrs. Robinson! Does your husband treat you respectfully as his equal?
(13,867 posts)These obnoxious republicans are gaining attention from the hate base supporters by being intentionally obnoxious....Thus, the target of the comment by bullies and racist etc...they are expected to respond to the insults....I think we need a new approach...Not sure what that is but maybe along the lines, change the subject and target one of their weaknesses, failures in their life, career ...????
I don't think giving them what they want...a " verbal fight" is where we should go...turn the tables somehow...
Claire Oh Nette
(2,636 posts)He's weirded out by the possibility that he might see two men kiss, but I notice the GOP never says a word about two women kissing. Bet this cretin would love to see some of that.
They only fear the transgender girls who might play sports, never a word about transgender boys competing against other boys. Same with the bathroom issue. They project all over the place.
Methinks the lt. gov and the rest of the evangelical Christains who worry about men with men doth protest too much.
Wanna blow their little minds? Suggest that homosexuality was really god's population control plan....