New Jersey
Related: About this forumOur Governor's Harmful Policies / Cuts/ Tax Plans - I mean Scams
Since we seem to have the most 'popular' governor (even more so than Walker) to be discussed at DU - perhaps we can start a thread about the Policies being implemented to harm New Jerseyans. A running list if you will. Not about things he's said that the media reports on to increase ratings and advertisers - but the policies implemented by way of his bullying tactics.
I'll start - July 2011 Budget Cuts he wanted . . .
Family Planning Services: $7.5 million;
AIDS Drug Distribution Program: $7 million;
Nursing Homes: $25 million;
Special Care Nursing Facilities: $4.4 million;
Mental Health Services Salaries and Wages: $9 million;
Mental Health and Addiction Services Community Care: $8 million;
Medical Prescription (dual eligibles): $13 million;
Keep Aged, Blind and Disabled out of managed care: $11 million;
Services to Blind and Visually Impaired: $1.5 million;
WorkFirstNJ Child Care: $6 million;
Maybe this way when he calls people names - folks at DU can see we much bigger issues to contend with than outrage over name calling by the Tea Party Favorite.

(50 posts)JustAnotherGen
(34,544 posts)Well - it hits those of us who don't make a million bucks a year. See - under this 'scheme' - we who don't make a million dollars a year get to take home an extra $25 a month in savings - or - about 5 gallons of milk.
Every adult working in the state of New Jersey will get an income tax cut, no matter what level of salary you have. I dont know what could be more fair than that.
Well, most New Jerseyans know what would be better: property tax relief. Heres why:
The income tax cut he proposes would disproportionately benefit the rich, as the nonpartisan Office of Legislative Services has said. Since the wealthy pay a significantly higher rate under the states progressive tax system, theyll see greater savings.
For the rest of us, the governors big fix would translate to less than $25 a month in savings, on average. Thats like a stocking-stuffer gift card. Not any real relief for middle-class families struggling more than ever under the weight of our states property taxes, still the highest in the nation.
Christie capped property tax hikes. But when you add in his cuts to our rebates, our net property tax burden has skyrocketed by 20 percent since he took office.
View full sizeNow, the average familys net property taxes meaning the amount you pay after rebates and credits is a much higher percentage of household income than its ever been, under any other governor. Including the one he loves to malign, Jon Corzine.
See - - get it? Joke is on us. More in property taxes - more than when Gov Corzine was in office.
So what name did this idiot call someone this week? Because I've got bigger fish to fry!