New Jersey
Related: About this forumWho do you like for US Senate?
Politics! is showing 4 choices.
Frank Pallone seems to be the only one with an actual website
He seems okay, but he's already been in Congress a long time - 13 terms.
The next two are Cory Booker, who is apparently advertising on DU (perhaps not on purpose) and Rush Holt.
They apparently have not decided where they stand as both their websites seem to be only a page to sign up for their emails or to donate.
Easier for Pallone as he can just adapt his Congressional website to the Senate campaign.
They also mention Sheila Oliver, but it is not clear that she is running as they only link to her facebook page.
Republicans appear to only have one candidate right now. What do you think of her chances against any of the Democrats?

Jim Lane
(11,175 posts)As of a couple days ago, Rush Holt's campaign site had extensive information about issue positions, a News section with several press releases, and other such typical components. You're right that now it's very minimal, so I'm guessing they're in the midst of a major revamping. Let's see how it looks in a few days.
I don't know why you say that Pallone "seems okay, but he's already been in Congress a long time - 13 terms". What's with the "but"? I like both Pallone and Holt, partly because each of them has been in long enough that we know what kind of federal legislator he is. With Booker we have only guesses, and generally unfavorable ones at that (at least for my money). I know almost nothing about Oliver.
On the Republican side, the candidate you've evidently heard of is Alieta Eck. She does have an opponent, Steve Lonegan. He's already run a couple of statewide races and I think he's considered the favorite for the nomination.
I'm guessing that any of the Dems would be a solid favorite over either of the Republicans, but I don't recall seeing any polling data.
(11,464 posts)The others are running vanity campaigns, and know they will not be senator.
(though the party bosses hate Booker, because they can't control him, and well, the party bosses in NJ are not people to idolize,
making Cory Booker stand out even more. He cannot be bought.
And Booker is the people's populist candidate.
Jim Lane
(11,175 posts)He's leading the polls because he's such a skilled (albeit shameless) self-promoter. In that he resembles another conservative New Jersey politician who runs up big poll numbers -- Christie.
In my book, no one who attacks labor unions can be considered a populist.
Unfortunately, I think both of those unworthy opportunists will win their races.
(37,573 posts)even the best candidates, in my view, should not be in Congress for life. And Pallone has already been in for 26 years!
I'd kinda like to see a term limit of 12 years, so seeing a lifer kinda curdles my milk a little bit.
As for that other guy (I don't even like to name the opposition, gives them publicity). Politics1 calls him a "frequent candidate" which said to me "not a serious contender". But if he is a frequent candidate who wins primaries, then that makes him somewhat formidable. Although many voters may just wonder "what part of 'no' does he not understand?"
hay rick
(8,549 posts)Incumbentocracy may be bad, but the alternative of term limits is probably worse. I moved to Florida where legislators are term-limited to 8 years. Then they have to take 2 years off. Then they can start over again. They meet for 60 days a year and are paid less than $30,000/year. They maintain year around district offices. They preside over a $75 billion budget...
The money available for serving the people is dwarfed by the money available for serving corporate interests. The result is predictable.
(3,425 posts)and, of course, I would like a democrat to win. However, I just hope it is not Cory Booker. I know he is probably the favorite and has all the right people backing him but I am unable to forget how he came to the aid of Bain Capital during the last presidential election.
I cannot understand why he would do that. He was an up and coming star in the democratic party and then badmouths those who criticized Romney.'s money machine. That was no slip of the tongue, and from that point on, while he was cute., witty and had all the right moves, I just stopped trusting him.
I am certainly open to reasons why I have misjudged him but there just does not seem to be any good ones.
(37,573 posts)" I don't think he will pay any price at all
but then again, predicting is not an exact science.
But he just sent a big, clear message to the 1%, to the corporate donor types. "I am on your side. I am safe. You can donate to my campaign".
The only price he is gonna pay is the cha-ching of corporate dollars falling into his campaign coffers, and he can also paint himself as a "man of integrity, who will tell you what he thinks, even if party leaders don't like it."
Not much of a price, really."
(11,464 posts)What do you mean there is no website?
There has been one for months.
and there is a mega millionaire, friend of the Koch Brothers running for the republican party.
Heaven help if CC's friend Steve (they said they were enemies, but not the last few years) ever became governor.
Heaven help us all.
Booker will be the nominee (last polls showed 65-10-8-6 with Booker getting 65.)
Booker is legendary, and he even at full harm, and with everyone attempting to stop him, Cory raced into a burning building
to save someone (an act he did without thinking, when action called, he went into action.
A true Superman in my eyes.
You should really change the above, as the remark about websites is totally 100% inaccurate
(37,573 posts)is apparently only one page. It now shows a video besides a picture but it gives almost no information about the candidate. Which is what I said - his website consists only of a way to sign up for his emails or to donate. There is no button for "continue to website" which there usually is.
I guess now we know that Booker is the DLC candidate, eh?
I guess you think since it has already been decided by the polls that everyone should jump on the bandwagon and we should just dispense with the election.
As for saving a life, yeah, Frist supposedly did that as well, but that doesn't make him any less of a corporate dickhead.
(11,464 posts)hay rick
(8,549 posts)Remind you of anyone? I'm out of Jersey now, but I much prefer either Pallone or Holt to Booker. If you want somebody to fiddle while the middle class burns, look no further...
(11,464 posts)Bill Bradley strongly endorses Cory Booker
(if one goes to Cory Booker for senate website, standing right next to him is former Senator Bill Bradley, who ran a noble, but unsuccessful campaign for President in 2000 that was 100% endorsed by Paul Wellstone.)
Cory Booker formally enters NJ Senate race, endorsed by Bill Bradley
TRENTON, N.J. (AP) Newark Mayor Cory Booker on Saturday formally announced hes in the race to finish the U.S. Senate term of the late Frank Lautenberg.
The 44-year-old Democrat made his candidacy official at a news conference Saturday in Newark, New Jerseys largest city. He was joined by former U.S. Sen. Bill Bradley, a former pro basketball player who for 18 years held the seat Booker is seeking.
Bradley, who endorsed Booker, called him the right person for the right office at the right time.
Booker began raising money for a Senate run even before Lautenberg, who died Monday, announced retirement plans in February. He had raised $1.9 million by the end of the last reporting period in March
(37,573 posts)then I guess that decides it.
(34,544 posts)Pallone in the Primary. 26 years means I have 26 years of his voting record to review. And his votes are beautiful.
But - Booker will win and I'm voting for him.
Seems you are out of state - correct?
We have an AWESOME progressive Governor's Race Candidate - Barbara Buono. A lot of centrist democrats really want her ignored/don't like her at all. But that's the real race. The Booker think is not the big deal - since he's already won it.
But the Gov's race - I think if we FIGHT and have the power of Liberals and Progressives from across America helping us - we can deal a hell of a blow to Chris Christie. Even if it's only a $5 donation. We have traitors in our midst who have actually endorsed a Governor who would not blink an eye at sending the women of NJ into back alley abortion 'clinics' in a life or death situation. That is no lie. Look it up. Dems in power are supporting this absolute monster.
I have a sneaky feeling that Booker will also win - then turn around and endorse Christie. Just a feeling that he will do what is politically expedient for him. That's what middle of the road pols tend to do most of the time - so no surprise there.
So anything that anyone anywhere can do to set all the 'good old boys' straight and help a solid Democratic woman out is much appreciated.
(37,573 posts)is where we can presumably defeat some of the DINOs, corporate democrats, DLCers that DU is often complaining about.
That Christie should be defeated is a given.
Here's some data about how bad he is (in case people don't remember)
vetoes tax increases on the rich
signs tax increases on the poor
As for my $10. I cannot believe it will make a difference, but if DU or DFA wanted to do a fundraiser for Buono, I would kick in my $10. But then we would presumably be 1,000 people donating an average of $5, and thus having some impact.
(34,544 posts)Handouts and signs. Good news - driving from Bridgewater (down route 22) and east to the town of Clark yesterday - I ONLY saw Buono signs. Even in Somerset County.
Christies got the ads but slowly but sure - sigh by sign - maybe we can overtake him in the streets?
(7,960 posts)We have an embarrassment of riches in this primary. I know and like Frank Pallone, one of my former congressmen. Cory Booker is clearly a talented politician with a great future in our party. I could happily vote for either of them in the general election.
I support Holt because he was my Congressman up to the redistricting this year and his record and his integrity are outstanding. I don't think I ever called his office about an issue when his staff was unable to tell me that the Congressman was already working on it.
A long term, first rate, voting record in support of education, science and a sane energy policy.
One of the few members of Congress to actually read the intelligence estimate that got us into the Iraq War and to speak out against it on the House floor.
A strong advocate for verified voting.
A former CIA analyst who voted against the Patriot Act.
A strong supporter of civil rights for all Americans.
On a personal note, a few years ago I spent a day in DC along with other librarians as Holt's guest. The Congressman gave us a speech and left us with his aides to go cast a vote. We figured that this was the last we'd see of him. We were wrong. He came back and spent most of the day with us and even took us on a personal tour of the Library of Congress. Throughout the day he was accessible and interested in hearing about our issues.