Related: About this forumLol at the Wal-Mart in Havre
I dont shop there but my local friends are posting photos of bare shelves. People going all the way to Great Falls for toilet paper
I get out of the mountains once a week for supplies
I was in the IGA yesterday (the only other grocery store in town ) and it was empty, of people.
Shelves were full of everything though

(29,941 posts)GusBob
(7,766 posts)And nearly 100 from GF
People are being stupid
(29,941 posts)But I dont see calling people out for fearing it.
You know, we could be wrong. Even if we dont think so.
(7,766 posts)Im not making fun of anyones suffering or fear and I said naught about needless panic
In this case lol has a bite of irony. People are driving in from Chinook, right past the IGA, finding the shelves empty, getting back in their cars and driving all the way to GF
One lady did that just to get bleach wipes. I think North 40 which is .5 miles from WM has plentu
Im pointing out the irony of the situation as it on the ground
(29,941 posts)GusBob
(7,766 posts)Im so very sorry!
Try and have a relaxing day OK?
(95,919 posts)are diving hundreds of miles to buy stuff at the big box stores when they could have saved a lot of time and gas to get what they need locally. I see it over here in my end of the state too. I haven't been to Costco yet but I'm not getting what the panic shoppers are after, I got all that in town at the normal grocery where I shop and probably spent less $ than if I had driven all the way over to the nearest Costco.
I would guess that's why. These are mostly the rumpers who don't believe the official word. Also people who haven't got the hang of rural life and planning ahead yet.
(29,941 posts)Not making fun of fearful people?
(95,919 posts)that people freak out at the slightest opportunity where if they used their brains they might have an easier time of dealing with the situation.
So, pointing out that the stupid is everywhere is my guess.
(29,941 posts)2naSalit
(95,919 posts)in most situations, this would be one of them. The fear is brought about by lack of knowledge and critical thought. They apparently aren't smart enough to go even look to see if the local store has what they need. Wally werld is the only place they shop thinking they are getting a deal..?
Fear is only the half of it. So we laugh at stupidity all the time, this is one of those times. I'm not laughing, just shaking my head at what fearful people will do to avoid thinking.
(24,310 posts)you describe the stereotype Wally Werld shopper and the stereotype exists for a reason. I laugh at them all the time. In this instance, Im not laughing at their fear (if it exists), Im laughing that they dont believe facts, they believe the orange MF and theyre STILL buying hand sanitizer and TP in bulk. Whatever. It is funny in a sad pathetic kind of way.
Im headed to Costco and Target today for my weekly shopping. Im curious to see if shelves are empty and whats what. I went to Natural Grocers yesterday to stock up on elderberry-propolis syrup...something I always have in our immunity arsenal and they were clean out of it. Looks like it is available online, however.
(15,359 posts)time. We have a paper mill here in my town that makes buttwipe and paper towels. I assure you those guys aren't planning on shutting down for a long period of time. I suspect all the grocery store guys won't flee. They plan on getting their hours too. I can see some things being in short supply, but if it comes down to it, I have connections at the mill. I won't be using leaves and grass.
I am gradually stocking up on certain items. I am also wavering on a trip that will require flying to Denver and on to Tulsa in April.
Once in a great while I am happy for the sparce population in Montana. Of course that draws other people here who are not accustomed to the long distances between towns and cities.
(95,919 posts)the newly arrived who can't figure out that planning ahead is a way of life out here. I love having the sparse population too. I had a nice couple days of going out to the river and not having another human around for hours. I got my exercise and fresh air, sunshine. Now it's snowing and getting sunny so I will relax today and maybe go to the city on Tuesday and grab a few things. like a couple lbs of pecans and other nuts, that sort of thing, at Costco. I think I need to pay for my membership too.
No panic here, just plan ahead. I stay home much of the time anyway.
(4,318 posts)I picked up a good deal on pork loin that could make 4 meals. Then i found a deal on 5 lbs. of almonds for munchies.
I stay at home for the most part too. I'm getting ready for more stay at home days.
(24,310 posts)Nuts are on my Costco list today too. Im going to stock up on a few other items like rice, flour and pasta not out of panic but because I wont get to Costco again before the end of the month. Costco has a good price on Wheat Montana flour compared to grocery stores.
My husband just got back from Wisconsin and flies to Pittsburgh this week...I wish he werent traveling but its for work and theres no getting out of it. We went out for dinner last night and I was thinking that as the covid-19 cases creep closer to MT, doing things like dinners out would come to a halt. Not taking unnecessary risks.
Meanwhile, the sun is shining in western MT. Lovely to see. Soldier on, neighbors!
(95,919 posts)and I just now, after reading your post, see that the sun is shining for real... it's +40F.
(17,757 posts)As I mentioned in another thread, I fully expect it to become the national currency after the virus brings down our civilization.
(26,550 posts)Sorry I missed you!
(7,766 posts)up in the Bears Paw